The heroine

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↑Undyne's boss theme

«Heroes are not always the saviors.»

Spear blazing, she hurls it at me, and I dive into the snow, the cold biting into my cheek.

"Papyrus, are you alright?"

I hear her shout, another spear magically forming in her hand. Wish I had magic too. I roll away, dodging the arrow that pierces the ground right next to me. He says something I cannot hear, but apparently she is annoyed and angry, shaking her head at him. He looks at me curiously, as I move in a weird zig-zagging movement, avoiding the spears she randomly thrusts at me.

"She's a murderer! What in the world makes you think she's good?"

Her  storm of spears stop for a moment, and I take that chance to scramble out of the way. I fling myself behind a tree, panting and trying to get my bearings. If this goes on any longer, I'll have to...

"Fight me you evildoer! Or are you just too scared to fight, you coward? Come at me!"

If she's wants a fight, she'll get a fight. Stealthily, I make my way around to her back, so that she's shouting at nothing but thin air. Then, silently, I launch myself at her, planning to do something. Surprise her. Attack her. Stun her.

But not kill her.

Even the faintest rustling of my shoes against the snow give my position away, and as both monsters turn to look at me, the knight lady the quicker one, I meet her head on. Her spear clashes against my knife, and she presses hard, bringing the blades slowly down onto my head.

I release the pressure I had on my weapon, rolling away as the knight's spear struck the ground. I rolled to my feet, leaping away in the nick of time as she slashed at me with a new glowing spear. Papyrus steps forward, but she waves him back.

"Fight me coward! Or are you just afraid of me?"

Again, I slide away from the spears she rams at me, and turn to her, knife in hand. But I do nothing, and this seems to make her more angry.

"Come on coward, are you that..."

I dodge her spear, and grab it, twisting it out of her hand and ducking behind her. Now I have two weapons. Taking the advantage as she spun around, stunned, I bring down both my weapons on her, knowing that she would counter my attack. Which was why I stabbed her armour teasingly, then fled to the side again.

"Stop fleeing like a coward! Come fight me, you murderer!"

This time, she's going to get a real fight. I feint a stab towards her left, and draw back quickly, racing to the right as she slashed at my right. The spear nicks me on the side, but I hardly feel the pain. There. Her weakness: she tipped forward a little when she was reaching for me, and she tilts, about to step back...but then I shove her from the back hard.

She stumbles and tips forward, awkwardly trying to regain her balance. But I guessed right, for her heavy armour tips her forward and she plunges into the snow. Face first. Grasping the advantage and pressing it to the limit, I swing my knife high and slam it downwards. A sinister snarling voice whispers kill her. KILL her. KILL HER.

And the blade glints as it moves down, gaming speed from my momentum...into the snow. An inch away from her face. I shake my hand from the impact, and give a arrogant smile. "I won."

She shakes her head and stands up with work difficulty. I turn around, wanting to see Papyrus's reaction, which was of disbelief and some admiration, before something snags my bag and I fall back into the snow. The knight points her spear at me. "Now we're even."

The glowing spear disappears as she smirks back at Papyrus. He's still grinning, yelling,"THAT'S THE BEST FIGHT EVER! I LOVED IT...HEY UNDYNE, LET'S GO YOUR HOUSE AND PARTY!"

Glancing back at his innocence, I feel a surge of joy. They start off, Undyne in front, Papayrus at the back. I reach for the knife beside me...but then I stop. I'm not going to fight. And I'm not going to kill anyone. I don't need it. I'm...I'm not a murderer.

The snow continues to fall, unchanging as I leave my footsteps in the snow.

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