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↑Asriel's battle theme
(If you guys didn't know, I change Asriel's name to Astriel)

«The only thing you can't afford to lose is hope.»

That's when everything started shaking. The earth was rumbling like a beast that was woken up from a hundred years of slumber and was ready for vengeance. The sky was torn apart, shattered into fragments the clouds ripped by a giant claw.

Then suddenly, we were neither here nor there. A white world, blank and plain. Sans, Papyrus and Undyne were with me, and the cages that Sans trapped them in were gone. They wore expressions of shock and curiosity, although Sans looked more calm, more annoyed, more...afraid. As if he knew what was going to happen. My injuries were gone too, the once bleeding wounds vanished and replaced by functional limbs. Healed.

Then suddenly, there was a clamour behind me. "Let. Them. Go. Astriel."

A boy stood, eye to eye with Sans. Astriel's light brown hair bounced as he shook his head teasingly. With a malicious grin and a glint of something that looked like amusement in her eyes, Astriel, closed his fist firmly. Papyrus and Undyne, choked, turning blue from the lack of oxygen, and before Sans could do anything, two loud ominous cracks echoed in the space we stood in. Two limp bodies fell to the ground, still as stone. In a flash of blue, Sans teleported away from Astriel, and snapped his fingers, making a solid wall of Gaster blasters form around Astriel. Calmly, in a brilliant flash of red, he vanished, leaving the blasters to shot at empty air. They swerved to face him, Sans concentration hard with a bead of sweat running around the side of his skull. (This sounds weird...just imagine Sans is a human)

The most amazing battle I have ever seen in my life starts, with Sans and Astriel fighting each other furiously. Flashes of blue and red pierce the whiteness, and they teleport so fast I'm almost dizzy. Each time Astriel attempts to kill me, thrusting knives, double edges blades at me, Sans forms a bone shield in front of me, blocking the day of death, yelling,"Are you alright kiddo?"

I just give him a nod before he's immersed back into the heat of the fight. "Give up Sans. You know I'm the master of this game. I control it. I do whatever I want with it. I can reset if I like. So what can you, a puny skeletal piece in my game, do about it?"

Sans grits his teeth as he blocks another dagger from Astriel. Already, I know who is the winner. "Astriel! Stop! You're not evil, I know you aren't."

For a moment Astriel pauses to ponder on this, faking a look of intense concentration as she circles Sans with a ring of fiery swords. "Now that's just pathetic. Of course I'm not evil...But then, you're one of the few people who made it here. And surprisingly, you're the only person who came here without really killing anyone."

Sans teleports away in time, and hoping to gain more time for him and distract Astriel, I fervently ask,"Reset? So you reset every time the 'player' dies? Everyone revives again? And if a 'player' makes it to you, you turn that person into some monster and make that person another piece in your game?"

Astriel smirks. "You're right. I have the ability to reset. Undo everything you did. Because its a game where you either kill or be killed."

Sans suddenly teleports behind Astriel while he's distracted, and in a whirl, Astriel whipped around, destroying the Gaster blaster. As he takes a step back, suddenly, there's a loud farting noise. Astriel hesitated for a moment, looking annoyed and kicks the whoopie cushion from beneath his feet. (For those un-Undertale fans, Sans just likes playing pranks)


Then suddenly, tendrils of shadowy blackness dart out and grasp Sans by the arms. He snaps his fingers, trying to summon a Gaster blaster, but its futile. "Don't you remember Sans? I'm the master of this game. Anything I hate, I destroy."

He smiles at the helpless Sans struggling in his grasp. "Goodbye again Sans."

And he crushes Sans. "No!"

And all of a sudden, I'm in front of Sans, running toward him in a frenzy. I kneel beside him as Astriel lets his hand slide open, dumping Sans onto the ground. Too much blood. I know its too late. Sans reaches out a hand to me, and I grasp it. Immediately, a swarm of images appear in my mind. I look through Sans eyes: A white blank world. Every time a survivor manage to survive he fights Astriel. Dies again and again as the survivor is defeated by Astriel. And then he's back, knowing he can never defeat Astriel. What's the point?

And before all this started, Sans was pleading with a fair haired boy, who was glaring at a computer screen. Two words flashed on it. Game on. "Please. Chara. Don't do this."

The boy smiles sadly, reluctantly. "You know I don't want to do this. But they destroyed my family. Friends. Those backstabbing traitors stole everything I ever had. Anyways, this will stop the war. Remake the world...you can't stop me."

Sans pounces on the boy as a hand presses the button and the world is subjected to kill or be killed.

Sans gazes at me for the last time, his eye flashing, before he is incinerated and the flames swallow him up.

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