Quick A/N

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Hey babes,
I'm so sorry for not updating anything this week! It's for a really good reason...

4th of July is my birthday. And usually we have a bunch of family coming (which we did, along with a bunch of my friends!), but writing was actually gonna happen! Ugh...

Anyhow, I still was thinking about the other options I had up for the last story and I thought, "Huh, I want to write these stories, but which one does everyone want first?" So, Imma give you three options. Why three? Because I like to go one step beyond. Comment "aye!" on the one you really want.

1) Cinderella AU
2) Beach Episode (this only includes Marinette, Adrien, Nino, Alya, and any other character you'd like, just comment along)
3) What's your ideas?

Alright guys! I've gotta go celebrate and get out of the rain, but thanks for reading and wish me a happy sweet 16! I love you all, and never change from the sweet people I know you all are.

See ya,
-Jelli Belli Coachelli Ellie (Ella Kinders)

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