The Rain Woman Pt. 2

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*Chat/Adrien just kissed Marinette/Ladybug as his Plan Z*

Chat Noir was holding Marinette closer by her hips as she melted into the kiss. I don't think you'll believe me if I say why.
Well, after the akuma Dark Cupid, Marinette felt... Weird. In order to save Chat so he could help rid of the akuma, the spell he was under needed to be broken. And how did you breaks spells in (most) fairytales? True Love's Kiss, of course! Ladybug (aka Marinette) didn't think about it at the time but after she got home, her brain went crazy. And she kinda did too.

But, the problem wasn't that they kissed. Trust me, no problem here. Rather, the feeling she- no, the feeling they BOTH got. Marinette tried to wave it off, saying it was just the spell, but as she remembered it...

The spell actually wore off in seconds as they kissed and it did tingle a bit, but what happened during the kiss was fireworks. Even Chat felt the kiss, making him enjoy it more.

Chat didn't know what to do after that. Usually Plan Z was left for extreme emergencies, but Chat couldn't think of anything. His first plan was to say he got off the Ladyblog, but he knew that the website didn't actually have her number. Marinette probably knew that too. So, since nothing else came to mind, he went with Plan Z. But, he didn't expect her to be so willing. And it didn't help that he felt fireworks when he kissed her... It felt like when Ladybug kissed him. Well, seeing as they were the same person, he pulled back to see Marinette panting slightly. The kiss was intense, but she was feeling something different.

"Chat...?" She seemed to be coming back to reality when Chat decided to leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Princess!" He jumped off her balcony and went back home. Marinette was still breathing heavily and touched her fingertips to her lips. They still tingled...

The next day, an akuma attacked. A woman was going to be married, and she looked lovely. But, just as they were about to start, the maid of honor ran in.

"Stop! Something's gone wrong!"

The bride locked herself in her dressing room and sobbed. Unknowingly, an akuma slipped through and landed in her tiara.

"Hello, Rain Woman. I am Hawkmoth (A/N: Don't you mean The Butterfly?) and I saw your despair. How dare the weather rain on your big day? Now, ruin everyone else's day to all your desire, but I only ask one thing in return. Bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculouses!" The Rain Woman lifted her head to reveal a butterfly shaped outline around her eyes and an evil glare with a smile.

"Of course," she replied in a dark voice, much different from her bubbly voice. Black smoke changed her whole outfit to a short dress and dark blue everything. She smashed open the church wall and flew out above the city.

Marinette woke up in her bed to see the sky dark and raining.

"Wow, that's a really bad storm." She got dressed, grabbed Adrien's umbrella, and headed to school. As she was nearing it, she was stopped by Chat. A deep blush came to her face. "Uh... Hi Chat. What are you doing here?" She saw his eyes were very sad and his face was a little uncomfortable. He was soaking wet, so Mari handed him the umbrella with a smile.

"Here. You look like death. It won't matter if I get wet, but you should bundle, super boy." As he took the umbrella, Mari ran into the school and into class before the bell rang. Chat, however, hid away and transformed back into Adrien. Before he got to class, he hid the umbrella back in her locker with a sweet note. Then, he ran back to class just in time.

Not long after the bell rang in class did the akuma attack. The weather began to grow darker and soon it was hailing, even though it was May! Soon the hail was raining through the windows and pelting kids, so they were all commanded to run home. Only two kids stayed back, Marinette and Adrien. Marinette ran to an empty classroom and transformed into Ladybug. Little did she know, Chat transformed too and right behind her.

They ran out and met The Rain Woman, who immediately pointed her finger that was charged with lightning at them and shot. BLAM! Chat Noir and Ladybug avoided the shock, but got knocked away. They both stood up and Ladybug whipped her yoyo and wrapped it around The Rain Woman's arm. She swung up to Rain Woman and kicked her in the face, causing Rain Woman to rain lightning down upon the floor. Both the heroes knew anyone who touched the ground at this school would die. Chat got an idea. He pulled out his staff and pushed it to Rain Woman. She takes it, not knowing that it was attached to the ground consumed by lightning. Rain Woman was shocked and the sky clears up a bit, causing the ground to unelectricfy and Rain Woman to fall unconscious. Ladybug and Chat hopped down onto the ground and made her way to her.

"Hey, don't you know lightning and water don't mix?" Chat wittingly said, smirking as Ladybug broke the tiara and captured the akuma. She released it back into a butterfly and the bride went back to normal, very much confused.

"Huh? W-where am I?" The young bride lifted her upper body and glanced around. Ladybug offered her hand to get her up, which the bride took. Ladybug noticed the bride's hair, makeup, and dress were all wet.

"Ma'am, you are at a school. I noticed you don't look so well, perhaps we can bring you back to where you had been?" The bride nodded and she left with Ladybug, letting Chat Noir go back home. The rest of the school day was dismissed.

Marinette was back in her room, designing something in her notebook, when she heard a familiar sound on her balcony. She climbed up to see Chat, perched like a bird, on the railing.

"Princess." Mari shook her head, smiling.

"Chat, we need to talk." He knew what she would want to talk about, so he jumped off and onto the balcony, grabbed Marinette, and hugged her closely. She was surprised, but hugged him back.

"I know who you are... My lady." She froze and pushed away. She knew Chat only said that to her in Ladybug form, so why... Realization hit.

"Did you see me-"

"It was after The Shipper was defeated. I happened to be going down the same ally to transform when I saw you." Marinette sighed and turned her back to him.

"I guess you're mad at me for lying about my identity."

"No, but I'm mad," she dipped her head to the ground, "At myself." Her head shot back up and turned to him, mid-transformation. She covered her eyes to not reveal his identity to her.

"Chat, please. I don't want you to think it necessary to reveal yourself because of me." He pulled down her hands and she saw....

Adrien Agreste. Her face blushed madly.

"O-okay, Chat! Very funny! Don't know how you got him from his house so fast but you need to get him back!" She went yelling around at her roof top, but Adrien pulled her back to himself.

"My lady, it is me." She froze again as the blush started to creep into her cheeks more. Then, tears started to form. Marinette was crying. "Marinette! Please don't cry! I know I'm probably the last person you wanted as your sidekick-"

"Sidekick? You're not my sidekick." Adrien frowned at the remark. "You're my crush." He looked into her eyes to see any hint of hesitation, but found only relief.

"So, you fell in love with me without knowing who I was?" She nodded.

"I had a crush on Adrien, but I didn't know you were Chat." He smiled at her. They both held each other close in a hug, happy about this outcome.

Hey babes!

Finally finished this shit! (I'm not done with the one-shots, I'm just done with this story.)

I'll get a new story out soon, but in the mean time...
Like, comment, and vote!

Love ya babes!
-Ella Kinders.

(PS. Guess who found some Miraculous Ladybug Ballet AU?!)

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