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Of course the one day that Marinette's parents host a Christmas party for all of their friends and family, some villain attacks. Luckily, they were taken down easily and Marinette could return to the party her parents were holding. They did this every year and usually she wouldn't have any friends come over for it. So, naturally she was a bit reluctant.

Marinette's parents let her have some of her friends over for the party. And so she brought Alya. Alya, of course, knew she could bring more so she asked Nino... And Adrien. Yes, Marinette's best friend had gone up to the Adrien Agreste, asked him to go to this party... And he said yes. So, to say Marinette was panicked about getting back to the party was an understatement.

As she swung back right in front of the door to the bakery, with snacks in hand, her transformation wore off and she was back in her Christmas dress and a warm jacket with her shoes making imprints in the snow on the ground. She shook off any snow on her and opened the door just as Adrien, who had just come up behind her then, followed her in.

"Marinette?" She froze, not being able to speak around her crush. She turned slowly to him with an awkward smile and waved with her empty hand.

"H-H-hi Adiren. What are you doing here? I thought you were upstairs..."

"I was, but you were taking a long time, so I went out to try and find you. Where did you go?" She realized that he had gotten closer, making the blush that may have not been apparent very visible.

"I-I-I was... Uh, stuck! Yeah! Cause someone had turned evil or something and I was basically trapped." She shrugged. It was true, someone who was akumatized had attacked and trapped her, but she defeated that person.

"Oh? Oh yeah! I had the same thing happen! We must have been on different sides of the street, I guess." Adrien replied, smiling sweetly and making Marinette's heart melt. As the two talked a bit more, they both headed upstairs to the party, where everyone else was having fun. At some point, they ended up on Marinette's balcony. Alone. Together.

"... And, then as I grab Alya's phone before it dropped, I touched the screen and the video got deleted!"

"No way!" Marinette nodded with a smile, laughing a lot.

"Yeah! I tried to keep it a secret, but in the end I told her and apparently she already posted the video. To make it up to her, though, I set up an interview with Ladybug." Adrien's eyes widened.

"You know Ladybug?" She froze, thinking of an excuse.

"Uh, yeah. Her partner, Chat Noir, likes to visit a lot. It gets annoying sometimes," Adrien's smile faltered. "And, besides, Ladybug and I aren't close really. She was just a fan of Alya's blog and was pretty cool with the interview." Marinette sighed and looked up into the sky, shivering a bit. She forgot her jacket. Adrien, seeing her shivering, took off his jacket and placed it on her shoulders. He rolled up his sleeves and sighed, smiling and closing his eyes with his head tilted up to the sky. Marinette observed his face, feeling her heart pound. Then, she looked back to see Alya in her room. Putting up mistletoe.

"Oh no..." Adrien's eyes opened and he looked to where Marinette stared. He didn't see anything, but a little plant stuck to the top of the door.

"What? Are you allergic to it?" She sighed and shook her head.

"No. Don't you know what that is?" He shook his head. "It's mistletoe. If you stand under it, then someone is supposed to..." She felt her face heat up at the thought of the two of them kissing. Adrien nodded and got an idea.

"So, who would have to stand under it? You or me?"

"Uh... I-it really d-doesn't matter who does..." Adrien, then, picked Marinette up bridal style and say her right under the mistletoe. Marinette blushed even more, making Adrien smirk.

"Princess, would you-"

"Princess?" Adrien froze, realizing he just said his nickname for her. For when he's Chat. "Only Chat Noir calls me that. No one else, not even my parents... So, how did yo-" Marinette was cut off by Adrien, pulling their lips together and kissing her. She didn't know what happened, but slowly started to melt into the kiss.

After a few moments, Adrien pulled back and they stopped the kiss, panting a bit. Marinette looked directly into Adrien's eyes.

"... Chat?" Her bottom lip trembled a bit, barely noticeable, and he nodded. "Who knew that my partner was also my crush?" After she realized what she said, Adrien gasped and smiled a bit.

"Are you... Ladybug?" He whispered. She sighed, closing her eyes and nodding. A few tears formed but Adrien wiped them away. "Why are you crying?"

"B-because I'm p-probably not who you wanted it to be," she sniffed and shifted her head away from Adrien, only for him to pull her head back.

"Actually... You're exactly who I thought you would be."

"What?" He smiled brightly and laughed a bit.

"You're exactly who I thought you would be." He pushed back a blue hair behind her ear and they both leaned forward....

And knocked each other in the head. Ouch.

Hi babes!

I probably said I would do this every week, right? Well... I got busy.

But, I updated! Finally! Please read this stuff. I like doing these stories cause it's fun. You know what, even if you don't read, I'll still write! Ha!

Love you babes!
- Ella Kinders

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