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Quick Author's Dedication:
To all my readers who have felt alone, I'm here if you want to talk or if you need a friend. I love you all so much. Thank you for being here this long.
It was a beautiful day outside in Paris. Birds were singing, flowers blooming... On days like these, kids like Adrien and Marinette... Were bound to have an awkward moment.

But, today I'm not here to talk about Marinette and Adrien. No, I'm here to talk about a young woman who just wanted to fit in. Lila.

Now, when you hear Lila you think of Volpina, an akuma who tried to split Ladybug and Chat Noir. But, that's not who Lila is. See, Lila came from Italy, a country about food and fashion and love. Unfortunately, she moved away from her friends and was forced into a new life in Paris, France. She was lucky to know a little French, but unlucky as she was all alone. So, in order to get friends, she came up with a plan:


She lied about many things, but then it came crashing down on her. Ladybug. You see, she lied about being best friends with Ladybug, so Ladybug confronted her. She didn't forgive Ladybug, even now.

On the bright, sunny afternoon of that day where flowers bloomed, Lila was alone near the top of the Eiffel Tower. No, she wasn't going to jump. But, she was crying. All alone. Or so she believed.

A whoosh of air and a few light footsteps made Lila lifted her head to see...

"Coccinella..." (Translation from Italian: Ladybug) Lila spat, glowering at the Parisian hero. But, Ladybug did not seem to notice. She seemed... Upset.

"Oh, how could I do that to Lila?! She was just trying to fit in, like I was! Although, she was doing a much better job until..." Ladybug sighed. "Until I screwed it up." She detransformed and Lila gasped to herself. Ladybug... Was Marinette?!

Marinette leaned against the center beam of the tower and sighed. "Tikki, how could I be so selfish, and all for Adrien?! He probably hates me now! Well, Ladybug, but that's me!"

Then, a tiny little red bug flew around her. "Marinette, that was truly unlike Ladybug. But, you did confront a liar."

"In the worst possible way, Tikki! Lila just wanted friends, and I screwed it all up for her!" Marinette moaned and hung her head in her hands, seemingly sobbing. Soon, Tikki disappeared into Marinette's bag, leaving Marinette alone with no idea of Lila.

"I wish I could go back and do over what I did to Lila... She's just so alone... Like me." The last part shocked Lila. Marinette, alone?! Wasn't she best friends with Alya, Adrien, and Nino? Didn't her classmates adore her as Ladybug? Then, she remembered: No one else knew she was Ladybug.

Lila crawled over to Marinette and sat next to her.

"Hi... Ladybug." Marinette gasped and looked to see Lila.

"O-oh, Lila! I think you're confused, Ladybug isn't-"

"I heard you. Talking with Tillie, or whatever. I saw you transform." Marinette shook her head and held it in place with her hands.

"No one is supposed to know-"

"I can't exactly tell anyone else, if you hadn't noticed. I think I can keep this secret."

"No, Lila, you don't understand. The reason why I can't tell ANYONE is... Because if I did, bad stuff could happen! I don't know exactly what, but-"

"But, you didn't tell me. I found out. You didn't mean to tell me." Lila held out her left hand with only her pinkie extended. "Giuro di Pinkie."

"What?" Marinette gave a funny look. Lila sighed.

"Pinkie swear." At first, Marinette was hesitant. This girl had lied and stolen, but so had she herself. So, she took Lila's pinkie and wrapped her own around it.

"Pinkie swear."
A few days later, school life was normal. Lila was becoming friends with Marinette more and more every day, and so she became real friends with Alya (always telling the truth), and the class started to become nicer. Except Chloé, of course.

So, one day after classes had gone away, Lila dragged Marinette down to a market.

"What are we doing here?! Lila!"

"You'll see!" She dragged Marinette down to a flower vendor and told Marinette to wait. After a few minutes, Lila was pushing a blushing Adrien towards Marientte.

"Alright, you two may not believe it, but you were made to be together. Trust me!" Lila, then, grabbed some flowers, stuck them in Adrien's hands, and left them be.

Hey babes (and that one girl who randomly wants to be called dude)!

So, I did this in celebration and inspiration because of many things.

1) I started up school (boo!)
2) My mom is playing M'Lynn in our town's local showing of Steel Magnolias!
3) Next year, I am going on, not just one, but two different trips to New York City, New York! Yay!
4) I have been seeing people cramming my Wattpad every day with love for these stories and I just wanted to say thank you. So, why not in different languages?

Lorem ipsum.
Vã multumesc.
Thank you.

Wow, eleven languages. I don't even know them all, but now I know how to say Thank You in all of them! Yay! And, I really mean it. Thank you, all of you, for voting and commenting. For saving this to different reading lists, for giving ideas. I know I said I might do part 2s, but... Maybe that's for the next milestone. For now, thank you all of my 12K readers, my 889 voters, and the 20 comments that may or may not have bee contributed via me. Thank you and I hope to see you all at... Maybe, 22K? Who knows?

Love ya babes (and that one dude girl in the comments)!
-Ella Kinders

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