Life As Adults- Part 2

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Well, after the incident with Chloe, finally the little baby was born. A little baby... Girl! She had her mother's blue black hair and her father's green eyes, and her smile was enough to make anyone smile along.

Marinette was in the hospital bed, her hair was a bit messy and her face was a little sweaty, and she held a little pink bundle in her arms. Adrien was in a chair next to her bed, staring at the two with a smile and tears about to spill.

"Say hello to Bridgette." Marinette said, handing Bridgette to Adrien. He was a little nervous and held the baby girl a little away from him. After a few moments Adrien relaxed and smiled widely, tears streaming down his face.

"Hi, Bridgette."
One night, as the happy family was about to go to bed, a scream was heard out in the streets.

"Help! It's the Corpse Bride!" It didn't take long for Chat Noir and Ladybug to show up... With a baby? Yes, because they couldn't get anyone to babysit, Bridgette was to be taken along for this battle.

Ladybug wasn't happy.

"Chat, couldn't we have gotten Alya or even Nathanael to babysit Bridgette? She's too young to be coming out with us, and too young to be getting hurt." At this point, Chat wasn't even listening. He just had a goofy grin on his face and Bridgette in a baby holder on his chest. Ladybug just gave him a scowl and, a few minutes later, the akuma was done.

"Huh. It actually got taken care of faster without you." Finally, Chat was out of his trance.

"Wait, what?!"
Bridgette Sabine Agreste was nervous. Any little girl would be on this one day of school. Because today Bridgette was to read off her poem that she made for Mother's Day. But she couldn't mention that her parents were Chat Noir and Ladybug. Especially if she didn't know.

Marinette and Adrien realized their little girl was a talker and knew they couldn't tell her. So, whenever there was an akuma, they dropped her off with Master Fu and went on. Then, they would come back and their little girl was none the wiser.

But, Bridgette was scared still. She made the poem for mommy and thought it was great, until a girl in her class made fun of it. So she rewrote it, word for word, and got to turn it in. And now, she had to present.

As she walked up to the front of the classroom, she heard snickers from some girls. And her confidence deteriorated. Bridgette stood at the front and held the paper with Mommy's poem, shaking a bit. Then, a tap on the glass of her classroom door that no one else seemed to hear got her attention. She turned to see...

Daddy! Yes, Adrien was at school, but he didn't work there. Because the day was ending early to let the kids spend Mother's Day with their parents, he was ready to pick her up. But, when he saw his little girl shaking, he knew what to do. He gave a sweet smile and a little wave, and Bridgette's eyes brightened up. She turned her head back to the class and began to read.

"Mommy said that the day I was born, she was so happy...."
Another year passed, and Marinette had another little baby. A baby boy this time, though. Hugo Gabriel Agreste, a little baby boy with his mom's blue black hair and sapphire eyes. The day he was born, Bridgette seemed very confused.

"Mommy, why does he only have a little bit of hair?"

"Because it hasn't all grown yet."

"But, he kinda looks bald. Is he gonna grow up bald?"

"No, probably not. He's just a little baby, so his hair is just starting out."

"... He still looks bald." Marinette laughed at Bridgette's comment.

"Sweetheart, it's not going to grow instantly."
One night, the Agreste family had a little sleepover at Grandma Sabine and Grandpa Tom's house. And as the two little kids slept, Marinette and Adrien were peeking in on their little children.

"They look so perfect." Marinette whispered to Adrien wistfully.

"They sure do..." Adrien replied.

"... One more would be perfect." Adrien froze and blushed heavily.

"One more?" Marinette looked up at him with a small smile.

"Just one."
Marinette and Adrien gave up Ladybug and Chat Noir a long time ago (like, after Hugo was born). And for years, the heroes weren't needed. Until now.

Bridgette was late to school. As usual. But, can you blame her for being basically in love with her bed?! So comfy... As she ran out the door of her parents bakery, she saw an older man walking down the street. Very slowly. Traffic wouldn't be stoping for him any time soon, so Bridgette quickly helped the old man onto her side of the street.

"Sorry about rushing you, I just didn't want you to get hurt."

"I'm fine, child. But, shouldn't you be getting to school?" Bridgette froze and ran towards the school, waving and saying, "Thank you!"
Felix Bourgeois snuck against the wall, hoping to miss his mother's assistants. As he quickly climbed the steps of the school, something caught his attention. An old man had tripped and fallen on the sidewalk. Felix quickly looked around to check and hurried down to help him.

"Sir, are you alright?" The blond boy asked.

"I'm fine, but you should get to school before-" As he spoke, his mother's assistant came out of the limo.

"Felix, come into the car. We must go home."

"Please, Natalie. Just say you came too late." The woman, Natalie, sighed.

"It's already too late." She opened the door to reveal his mother, Chloé Bourgeois, was on the screen in the limo. Felix sighed and, after helping the old man and giving him his cane back, he walked back into the limo slowly.

Little did the two students know, their lives were going to be changed....

Hey babes!
Did you see what I did there? Instead of Emma, like Marinette originally wanted to name her baby girl, I decided maybe the Miraculous Ladybug should be Bridgette's next. Am I evil or am I evil?!

Alright, comment, vote, and share this story around. It gives me a smile on my face to see you guys love this stuff.

Love ya babes!
-Ella Kinders

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