Chapter 4

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Hello everyone I hope you like this one!


Daryl's POV

"He better be okay that's my only word on the matter." I grunt at T-dog. I watch as Nati wipes off her arrows with my rag. Her green eyes meet mine as she hands it back to me. I grab it but she keeps a hold of my hand making me look her in the eyes again.

"Hey, I'm sure everything is okay. Merle is a tough son of a bitch, your brother." She tells me cracking a half smile. Her words for some weird ass reason calms me. I don't know what it is. I can't explain it but I actually know I can trust her. I bite the inside of my cheek, a habit I have and give her a slight nod. She lets go of my hand and the van comes to a stop.

"Merle first or guns?" Rick asks as we strip through a hole in the fence.

"Merle! We ain't even having this conversation!" I yell, I see Natalie out of the corner of my eye nod.

"Men should come first. No man left behind, which obviously some people don't understand." She glares at Rick who nods and I smirk at her, she nods to me.

"So it's settled. Merle first, then guns." Natalie says as we all run into the city.

Knowing Merle, his dumbass could have cut off his own hand by now..


Christof's POV

I watch over everyone by the quarry, looking out like Natalie said. I️ cross my arms over my chest while I watch as Shane plays with Carl in the water. A smile finds is way to my face.

I know it's cheesy, but I've always wanted a family. Kids. Hell maybe even a dog or two. The smile soon turns into a frown when I remember I never got to luxury of that. Now, in this hell on earth, there is no way.

I am broken out of my thoughts by Lori yelling at Shane about some drama. Only drama I'd ever seen was on TV. Like I said, never had the luxury of those things.

I️ then look over at some complication between the women and some dude names Ed. Nati told me to keep my eye on him also. Soon he smacks his wife and I run down as Shane beats the shit out of him. I pull him off as Carol cries.

"Hey man. Calm down. It's all good." I tell him as I grab is shoulders, and direct him away from the scene. I get him to calm his breathing and I sit him on a log. I sit in front of him.

"He looks at me while I get the stuff together to clean up his split knuckles.

"Hey Chris, I can take it from here." Lori says appearing beside me. I nod to her and head back to watch.


Natalie's POV

"No! NO!!" Daryl yells out, his voice cracking. I️ put a hand out to touch his shoulder but he points his crossbow at T-dog.

"You did this!" He shouts, blinking away tears. Rick points his gun at Daryl. I️ grab Ricks wrist, making him drop the gun. In an instant I have him pinned to the wall.

"Looks like we aren't off to a good start Rick Grimes. I suggest you don't point that gun at Daryl again. Or the next person getting shot will be you." I whisper in a cold voice.

Daryl needs his brother. That's his stability. His crutch. And without Merle here, heaven knows how Daryl will act. And you think he's bad now.

But then again maybe this will show him some independence.

Daryl is now in my protection, and I'll be dammed if I let this new guy point a gun at his head.  Threatening him.

I let go of Rick and he looks at me, like a I have two heads. Lydia nods to me letting me know she has it and walks over to him

"Daryl, lower your crossbow. I need a word with you." I tell him, my eyes never leaving Rick. I hear him bring his arms down as I walk off into the stair well, the door closing behind me. I turn around to be met with his icy blue eyes and him inches away from my face. My breath gets caught in my throat as I take a step back, feeling my stomach do a flip. A weird ass feeling I've never felt before. I️ clear my throat.

"Ya wanted to uh, talk." He says, obviously shaken up about just finding his brothers hand.

"Yes. Listen, we could go look for him if that's what you want. He couldn't have gotten far with that much loss of blood." I tell him, putting a hand on his arm. He tenses up making his muscles bulge, the sweat glistening off of them. I retract my hand back.

"He's out there, I know it." He says and I nod.

"Well lets go find him."


"Son of a bitch took the truck!" Daryl yells as we get back to where we had left it.

"Well that tells us that he is just fine." I mumble, seeing that the sun is starting to set. "If we are gonna make to camp before night fall, we need to get a move on!" I yell as I lead the group.

Soon we reach camp but only to be met with screams, gunshots and the moans of walkers. I take out a bow and take down one of the walkers quickly. I repeat this over and over.

"Natalie look out!" Daryl says, his crossbow raised I spin around and plunge my knife into the walkers skull, it's blood splattering on my shirt.

After it's all done and over with, we look around at the aftermath. Several people from our group dead. I sigh at my failure at not being able to protect them... for heavens sake that was supposed to be my job.

"Don't beat yourself up Natalie, we couldn't have seen this coming." Lydia reassures me, clearing seeing my upset state. I️ never took loosing people well, even if it was people I️ barely knew. I️ nod to her. "Oh no.." She says looking over to Andrea who holds a bitten Amy.

"We have to take care of her, she is bound to turn sooner or later." I say pulling out my gun. Lydia puts a hand over mine, making me look to her eyes.

"Let her morn. We'll keep an eye out, when she turns we'll take care of it." She tells me softly. I sigh, not used to dealing with human feelings so I guess the least I can do its let her morn. I holster my gun an walk over to Daryl who is dragging bodies into a pile. Once he notices me stops.

"Ye ain't bit or scratched are ya?" He asks gruffly, shifting his weight to his other leg, bitting the inside of his cheek. A habit I noticed he had. I shake my head.

"Nope all good, you?" I ask and he shakes his head as awkwardness hangs over us. I nod and walk away to see who all is bit or dead.

Before we know it, the sun is rising.

I look over to Andrea who still sits with her dead sister. I sigh and help Daryl load the dead bodies into the back of the truck.

"Amy needs to be taken care of." I mumble and he nods in agreement.

"If I ever get bit, don't let me come back as one of them thangs." He says, propping the pick axe on his shoulder.

"You got it." I tell him, stabbing a dead group member in the head so they don't reanimate.

It's going to be a long day.


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