Chapter 26

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Natalie's POV

It was so solemn lately... since Beth's death. It didn't quite register with me until later, I've just been in shock since. Everyone has been all out of sorts, trying our best to survive and heal. And let me tell you, it's hard. Healing as a group is so hard when you continually loose people, people you care for.

Daryl hasn't talked to me, or anyone really for that matter. He's distanced himself and I hate when he does that. But everyone deals with pain in their own ways, I'm not one to pry into people's feelings. I'll let him come to me on his own terms but that doesn't stop me for looking out for him. When he goes on hunts alone, I follow but he never knows I'm there. He is to caught up in his own head to focus on the real world. Hell I don't blame the guy. Pain.. it can take a toll on you. But sooner or later he is going to break, everyone does, and I'm going to be there to pick up the pieces.

I am broken out of my thoughts by the walkie in my hands.

"Natalie do you copy?" Ricks voice rings out from the walkie. I bring it to my mouth.

"I'm here." I tell him, waiting for his response with the group that took Noah to his home.... what Beth wanted.

"We made it... It's gone." He responds in a low voice. I sigh in defeat and lean my forehead against it. Lydia comes and sits down next to me.

"After it all happened... with Beth. That lady didn't mean to kill her. I could see it in her face. But... I wanted to kill her for what she did. Daryl did it, making justice for Beth." She tells me making me look over to Daryl, fiddling with his crossbow a considerable distance from the rest of us. "He will come around, he always does you know that." Lydia adds making me sigh, my stare not breaking from him.

"I know." I respond leaning my head back against the car.


"Natalie! We're at the car! We need to cauterize an arm and wrap it. Get Sasha and Carl away, they don't need to see this." Ricks panicked voice comes across the walkie. I stand to my feet quickly along with Lydia.

"Is it Tyresse??" She asks as she gets the things together to follow through with what needs to be done. I nod as I help her. After awhile static comes across walkie again.

"Nevermind. He didn't make it." Rick says, his voice solemn. Shake my head and slam my fists against the car.

Another person gone..


"We look not to what can be seen, but to what cannot be seen, for what can be seen is temporary. But what cannot be seen is eternal." Father Gabriel speaks as we burry Tyresse. I look over to Daryl who stands by himself, his gaze on the ground. He hasn't looked at me once since Atlanta, and it hurts me a little more each day. I push the feeling away and look down to my boots while Father Gabriel continues preaching. I hear some movement and look to see Daryl handing me the shovel, my turn to put a scoop of dirt into the grave. He still doesn't look at me, his stare still on the ground. I take it gently, walking over and scooping up some dirt, putting it ontop of the body feeling tears well in my eyes.


It's been a little while it's everything has happened.. but not nearly long enough.

I quietly watch Daryl dig in the dirt for whatever. Soon he finds something, putting it in the palm of his hand, he looks at it. Soon he lifts up the worm and puts it in his mouth, eating it. I've eaten bugs before, but worms are by far the worst. I feel my face contort in disgust, but he is smart. Bugs are a great source of protein, so points for Daryl survival 101.

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