Chapter 38

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Natalie's POV

Negan walks up to Rick.

"I got an idea." He says with a sick smile. He points Lucille at Rick. "Eenie... Meany... Miney... Moe." Negan walks down the line pointing the bat at every person.

He skips over me making me shake my head in confusion.

"Catch.. a...tiger.. by its toe..." He darts around to random people of our group, skipping over me again. My heart race speeds up in fear, knowing that I quite possibly will loose someone of my family tonight. My lip quivers as tears blur my vision. "If.. he hollers... let him go." Negan says making my heart drop.

"My mother... told me.. to pick.. the very... best.... one.... and you..... are..... it." He finishes, a gasp escapes my lips as it lands on Abraham. "Anyone moves or if anyone says anything, cut the boy's other eye out and feed it to his father and THEN we'll start." His voice booms making tears trickle down my face. I grab Abraham's hand and squeeze it, feeling silent sobs shake through me. He holds my hand tightly.

"You can breathe.... you can blink.. you can cry. Hell you're all going to be doing that." Was the last thing he said before he brings the bat down on Abraham.

Everything seems to go in slow motion, screams of our group seemingly echoing along with the cracks of the bat hitting my friend.

Blood continually splatters on me, the wet
substance dripping down my face as I shake.

I feel so defeated. So useless. All I could do was sit there, and do nothing.

Abraham's hold on my hand goes limp making sobs escape my lips, a close member of our group gone. Once Negan is done he talks some
more but its all muffled. He shows up infront of me, dangling Lucille infront of my face as it drips blood. He says some things, but I tune them out, just for it to be muffled. I slowly look up to him just a Daryl comes up and punches him in the face making me snap out of my trance. Two men take him down as he grunts with struggle, his eyes on me, peeking from the long strands of hair in his face.

"D-Don't hurt him please. Please don't." I beg, the words coming out horse as Negan points Lucille at Daryl.

"No! No! No. No." Negan says as he squats down. "That... that is a big no no!" He yells out. "The whole thing! Not one bit of that shit flies here." He adds as Dwight comes up with the crossbow, pointing it at Daryl.

"You want me to do it? Right here, right now." He says to Negan.

"NO!" I yell getting to my feet and kicking Dwight in the back of the leg making him fall to the ground. My actions are so swift as I grab the crossbow and aim it to Dwight.

I instantly regret my actions because I could have very well put my group in more danger.

"Sweetheart put the bow down." Negan tells me as I shake my head.

"I will die before I let anything happen to him. I will do anything." I growl as Dwight looks to the crossbow from his spot on the ground.

"Lower your guns boys, Get this man back in line. You can't kill something like that without a fight. Nor her for that matter."  Negan says with a wide smirk. They follow orders, putting Daryl back in line. Negan walks up to me slowly as my finger hovers over the trigger, my aim still on Dwight. He leans down to my ear.

"I like you. I'll keep him alive if we can make a deal. But we can talk that over later. Just give me the crossbow sweetheart." I whispers. I look over to Daryl then back to Dwight, reluctantly handing over the crossbow to Negan. He escorts me back to the line, where I fall to my knees.

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