Love or lust? Chapter 1

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It was a typical morning in the Phantomhive manor when Sebastian came to Ciel's room to wake him. He brought up the usual morning Earl Grey tea for his master and opened the curtain's, letting in the morning sun. He turned to his master who was still sleeping peacefully in his bed and sighed. Sometimes it seemed as if nothing could wake up this young boy.

He walked over to Ciel's bed and placed his hand on the young earl's forehead, moving some hair out of his eyes. "Young master?" Sebastian whispered.

Ciel's eyes fluttered open and he looked up at Sebastian who was hovering over him. A soft blush formed on the boy's cheeks. "Sebastian?"

Sebastian smiled and moved away from the boy. "It is time to get up master."

Ciel sat up and stretched. He looked over at Sebastian with a questioning look. The demon had been acting strange as of late. He would hover over his bed, touch him more than what was required of him and he had been treating him more....differently. The young boy couldn't understand what was going through the demon's head. Maybe it was just that he was hungering for his soul more than usual.

Sebastian handed Ciel is morning tea and started to read off his list of thing's to do for the day.

Ciel sat patiently as he listened to Sebastian as he drank his morning tea. After Sebastian had finished Ciel sighed and sat down his now empty cup. "Sounds like another busy day. Will i ever get some time off?" He asked as Sebastian walked over to him, ready to change his clothes.

"Do you wish to take a day off master?" Sebastian asked as he started to take off Ciel's nightgown.

Ciel nodded "Of course i do. I have been working nonstop for the past month with this new line of children's clothing we started making." He watched as Sebastian slowly took off his nightgown and then stopped only to look up at him with a sad face.

"What is it?" Ciel asked the demon with a questioning look.

Sebastian sighed softly "Im sorry master i have neglected to make sure that you were happy. You are right you have been working nonstop for a full month now and you deserve some time off i think."

Ciel looked at Sebastian surprised. What was this, why was Sebastian acting this way? It was more than just a simple butler making sure his master was happy and healthy.

"Why are you acting so strange Sebastian?" He questioned him, tilting his head to the side slightly.

Sebastian smiled softly at him as he took Ciel's hand "Whatever do you mean master? Im only looking out for your best interest and doing my duty as a butler to make sure you're happy."

Ciel sighed and turned his head, looking away from the demon "Never mind. I probably would rather not know anyways."

Sebastian softly kissed Ciel's hand "Would you really like to know master?" he asked.

Ciel's eyes got wide as Sebastian kissed his hand, a soft blush on his cheeks. He had never felt this before. What was going on, was he sick? He looked down at Sebastian again who was still staring up at him with that loving smile on his face as he waited for Ciel's reply.

"I-i don't know....what are you doing. is this some kind of joke?" Ciel asked.

Sebastian shook his head "This is no joke and you know i do not lie. I'm not quite sure how to say this but.....i have certain...feelings for you, master."

Ciel's heart started to race. Could Sebastian be saying what he thought he was? He wasn't sure if he wanted to hear it when he himself wasn't sure how he felt about Sebastian. Lately he has been seeing Sebastian in a different way. As more than just a butler. Could this be some demon trick to try and make his soul taste more delicious once Sebastian was able to have it. He wasn't sure so he stood there not saying a word as he stared at Sebastian in shock.

"Young master?" Sebastian tilted his head as he touched Ciel's still red cheek, caressing him softly. "How do you feel about me?" He asked. 

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