Love or lust? Chapter 31

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Sebastian runs with Ciel in his arms, up to the mansion which Hannah had been using as a hideout. He runs inside, taking cover for a moment. His eyes become wide as a sweet, metallic pungency fills the air, causing his mouth to water. He looks down at Ciel, moving his hand from the boys head. His hand covered in a bright red liquid. "No...." He mumbles, lowering the boy to the floor of the mansion. He looked at Ciel's face, noticing it had become pale he starts to panic. "No...not again.."

Just then a loud crash was heard from the front door as Hannah smashes it to small pieces Her loud scream filling the entire mansion, causing the windows to break, sending shards of glass through the air.

Sebastian covers Ciel with his body, protecting him from the falling glass. He glares at Hannah, his eyes glowing bright red as his hatred grows. He stands up slowly, a dark shadow forming behind him, consuming his body slowly.

Hannah smirks, seeing Sebastian's expression, knowing that she had succeeded in her mission to make Sebastian just as miserable as she was. "I see that you are finally ready to fight me with all you have, demon." She growls.

Sebastian doesn't wast any time with words, instead his body becomes a black mist like being, shooting over to Hannah at lightning speed, grabbing her by the through and slamming her up against the wall. He growls, showing his fangs, which had now become like a sharks mouth, each tooth in his mouth razor sharp, the demon inside of him taking over and all signs of humanity gone. He bites down on Hannah's neck, his sharp fangs penetrating her flesh deep.

Hannah gasps, screaming loud as Sebastian slams her against the wall, biting down on her neck hard, his fangs digging into her flesh. She grabs onto Sebastian's hand, digging her nails into his arm, a scream louder than any human scream coming from her, shaking the walls of the manor as Sebastian's fang's rip at her flesh. Her skin becoming smooth, like leather as her body quivers.

Sebastian blinks as Hannah slips out of his hands. His demon eyes darting back and forth, looking for her. He jumps up, his body instantly becoming a ball of black smoke, changing into his demon form, that of a raven. A loud caw coming from him which echos through the manor. His sharp eyes quickly finding the slithering demon as it makes it's way over to the sleeping demon Sebastian had left on the floor of the manor.

Smelling the blood from the boy Hannah, who was now in her demon for of a snake slithers over to Ciel, wrapping her body around Ciel's neck, her sharp fangs which were full of poison ready to bite down on the boy's neck.

Sebastian comes swooping down, trying to avoid injuring the young demon, his sharp talons pecking at Hannah's head as he swoops down attacking her again and again. His attacks only damaging her a little each time.

Hannah's grip around Ciel's neck becomes tighter with each attack, She hissed as Sebastian's talons as they ripped through her leathery skin, causing blood to gush out of her head.

Ciel struggles to breath as Hannah's grip around his neck becomes tighter, his heart beating in his chest. He whimpers, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as hes slowly strangled by the snake, blood still coming out from the wound on his head.

Outside the manor Alois, who was gasping for air, struggling to make his way up the hill which the manor stood atop of stopped for a moment to catch his breath. He grumbles, wishing for just a moment Claude was still around to help him. Hearing a loud screeching sound from inside the manor Alois sighs and continues his journey up the hill, finally making his way up to the manor he runs inside, seeing the fight between the two demons he takes a steep back unsure of what to do at first. "Hannah!" He screams out.

Hannah stops for a moment, looking at Alois as he yells her name, giving Sebastian enough time to swoop down, his large wings flapping as he grabs her by her small body, his large talons digging into her skin as he yanks her off of Ciel, flying up into the air with her.

"No don't kill her!!" Alois screams, watching the scene in horror. He runs over to Ciel, looking at Ciel and touches his pale face "Hannah what have you done!? This isn't what i want!" He screams.

Hannah watches Alois, squirming around in Sebastian's grip. She hisses, biting Sebastian's foot with her fangs, sending poising through his body.

Sebastian drops her instantly, screeching loud as he flaps his wings, feathers flying around as he flies around the manor in a rage.

Hannah turns back into her human form, landing on her feet as she hits the floor. Her head scratched up by Sebastian's talons and covered in blood. She looks at Alois, confusion showing on her face. "What do you mean....., this isn't what you want? But they killed can you forgive them?"

Alois glares at Hannah, upset by her actions. "This isn't what i want!! I know they killed Claude but...." He looks down at Ciel, a sad expression on his face and shakes his head "Claude abandoned me he attacked them even though he knew me and Ciel had become friends. Now because of what Claude did Ciel doesn't even remember me and look at things."

Sebastian comes crashing to the floor in his demon form, black feathers floating down with him he growls, looking at Hannah with bright red glowing eyes. He sits up, jumping at her. His leg numb from the poison flowing through his body, causing him to fall back to the floor. "Damn you! Get away from him!!" He hisses at her.

Hannah sighs, looking at Sebastian then back to Alois "What have i done...?"

Alois stands up, stomping his foot "Fix it now, Hannah!!" He demands.

Hannah growls at the boy and looks over at Sebastian who was still trying to stand up and attack her "What about me!? What about what i want!? I didn't want Claude to die...i..." Her voice trails off mumbling something Alois can't hear.

"You loved him, i know." Alois says, going back to Ciel "I know you did but this isn't going to bring him back you need to fix this, now."

Hannah blinks, surprised that Alois knew her secret. She looks at Ciel who was laying lifeless in Alois' arms. In her blind rage she had done this....she had stolen this boys soul, taken him from the one that loved him and caused her master more pain. "I did love him....but he didn't love me..." She sighs "The only thing he cared about was that boys infuriated me." She growls, venom in her voice.

Alois nods, understanding her pain "I know..." He looks at Hannah his face serious as he commands her again "Hannah, fix this now."
Hannah nods, she knew when the fight was over. She had set out on a selfish mission and caused alot of pain. Now it was time to fix it. She couldn't disobey her master any longer.

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