Love or lust chapter 33

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The days were long and the nights were even longer while Ciel slept. Sebastian paced back and forth, wondering what to do. Was it normal for someone to sleep for so long? He knew Ciel needed to recover from such a shock to the body plus the knock to the back of the head wasn't helping him in his recovery.

Sebastian tended to Ciel's wounds while he waited for Ciel to wake up. He bandaged Ciel's head, applying ice to the back of his head in hopes of making the swelling to go down.  Sebastian looked at Ciel his face sad with worry. He held onto Ciel's hand, wishing the small demon would wake up.

Mey- Rin came into the room, carrying a tray of food. She frowns seeing Sebastian "He's still not awake is he?" She sighs, setting down the tray "He's been asleep an awfully long time hasn't he."

Sebastian nods, looking at the tray of food "I'm not sure what to do this time for him. Nothing like this has ever happened before."

Mey-Rin looked at Sebastian and forced a smile on her face "Not to worry the Master is strong and with your love i know he will wake soon."

Sebastian smiles softly, looking back at Ciel "I do hope you're right..." He mumbles.

The day goes by slowly, Sebastian never leaving Ciel's side. He didn't notice when the sun went down, the moon came up, high in the sky, a lone owl could be heard outside, snapping Sebastian out of his daze. Sebastian frowns, his frustration getting the best of him. He stands up, walking over to the shelf. "I must do something." Sebastian looks around Ciel's room, searching for the remaining two pieces of Ciel's soul. He quickly finds Ciel's ring, and eye patch. He searches around a little more for Ciel's pistol which was still in it's holster from the night of the fight. Sebastian walks back to Ciel's bed, holding all of these objects and sighs. "I hope this works." Sebastian closes his eyes, drawing out the small, broken pieces of Ciel's soul from each item causing the room to glow a bright blue.

Ciel groans, his body shifting as the pieces of his soul, quiver and shift in Sebastian's hand. Sebastian blinks "Are you ready now, M'lord?" He mumbles, holding the glowing orbs up to Ciel's face.

The pieces fly up into the air, swirling around the room, causing blue streaks of light to fill the room. They fly back down to Ciel, quickly entering his mouth, causing the room to go dark again.

Sebastian watches all of this with wide eyes, hoping that he had made the right choice. He touches Ciel's hand softly, his heart racing "M'lord? Are you alright...?"

A whine comes from Ciel as he shifts on the bed, his hand going up to his head. "My head....Sebastian where are you?" He mumbles.

Sebastian smiles "I'm here. M'lord."

Ciel looks at Sebastian with fuzzy eyes and smiles softly "Sebastian....what happened? I feel so dizzy."

Sebastian pulls Ciel's hand up to his lips, kissing Ciel's hand softly, unable to contain his happiness "Your soul has returned to you. You were finally ready to remember everything." Sebastian looks at Ciel "You do remember me, right?"

Ciel chuckles "Of course i do....did i ever forget you?" Ciel tilts his head.

Instead of answering Sebastian pulls Ciel into a deep kiss, holding onto Ciel's face gently, his lips moving with Ciel's with a deep passion he had been keeping inside for what seemed like ages.

Ciel squeaks with the sudden kiss, his cheeks blushing a soft pink. He closes his eyes, melting into the passionate kiss.

Tears stream down Sebastian's face as he holds his lover close to him, unable to control his emotions. He nods, moving away from the kiss. " did. You forgot about me and was so hard not to hold you in my arms."

Ciel looks at Sebastian with wide eyes, shocked to hear what Sebastian was telling him "I-i did....but why...i don't remember anything."

Sebastian wipes his face with a smile on his face and kisses Ciel again "It doesn't matter now. You got your memories back and we can get back to our life as a couple."

"But why did i forget....what happened to me?" Ciel asked, grabbing onto Sebastian's hand, curiosity in his eyes.

Sebastian sighs "Alright, it was when i changed you into a demon. I saved your life but in the process i shattered your soul, causing you to lose your memory..." Sebastian looked away, ashamed of what he had done.

"Sebastian...." Ciel wraps his arms around Sebastian and sighs "It's not your sorry i forgot about you but you saved me. Now we can live together as one for the rest of eternity."

Sebastian chuckles, holding onto Ciel tight and nods "Yes, though i would never think of you to be the mushy type to say something like that."

Ciel chuckles "Oh shut up, i just woke up from having my soul shattered and from the feeling a massive concussion give me a break."

Sebastian nods, leaning down to place a soft kiss on Ciel's lips again "As you wish." He whispers softly.

Finny gasps, standing in the doorway, dropping the plate he was holding in his hands "The young Master is awake!" He yells out, smiling wide.

Before long loud footsteps could be heard as Mey-Rin and Bard come barging into the room, excited to finally see Ciel finally up.

"Young master! I told you Sebastian he would wake up soon!" Mey-Rin giggles.

"About time you woke up! You had me thinking we done lost you!" Bard grumbles, a smile on his face. "I'm glad you're finally back with us."

They all cheer for Ciel, clapping together as they celebrate.

Sebastian chuckles and stands up, placing a hand on Bard's shoulder "How about we all celebrate later, i must get the young master ready. He has had a long recovery and it might take some time."

Bard nods "Alright then. How about we do it up right! I'll call everyone and we will have a wonderful celebration!"

Everyone cheers again  as they leave the room, excited for the party.

Ciel chuckles "Well they all seem the same as always."

Sebastian nods, turning to look at Ciel. He leans down to Ciel, placing a hand on Ciel's face, bringing the boys face up to his as he places a kiss on Ciel's lips.

Ciel smiles, closing his eyes as he kisses back softly, his lips moving with Sebastian's "Mmm...Sebastian did you miss me?" He mumbles into the kiss.

Sebastian smiles, leaning onto the bed "More than anything." He whispers, leaning over Ciel as he deepens the kiss, pushing his tongue into Ciel's mouth.

Ciel's body shivers as Sebastian's tongue explores his mouth. Ciel moans into the kiss, placing a hand on Sebastian's cheek. "Mmm...Sebastian..."

Sebastian smirks, looking into Ciel's eyes "Shall we celebrate now or later?" He pulls at Ciel's shirt, wanting to take Ciel right there.

Ciel chuckles softly "Someone is eager." He smirks.

"Well of course i am. I wanted to ravish you many times but was forced to hold back. You know i do love your body." Sebastian leans down, kissing Ciel's neck softly.

Ciel bites his lip softly, tilting his head "I suppose it cant be helped. Let's celebrate now, love."                   

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