Love or lust? Chapter 20

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Alois finally decided to leave after Sebastian's little demon show. Leaving Ciel and Sebastian alone finally. Sebastian decided to take Ciel up to his room to let him rest after his ordeal. He laid Ciel down on his bed and covered him up.

Ciel turned on his side and looked up at Sebastian. "You never answered him."

Sebastian tilted his head in confusion "What do you mean?"

"Alois asked you what you did to never told him."

"Oh...right." Sebastian sighed and stood up straight. He knew he would have to tell Ciel eventually but was now the right time for that...he wasn't sure after what he had already put Ciel through today. "Well in order to save you there was only one thing i could do..." He frowns not wanting to say more.

"And what was that?" Ciel asks, staring up at Sebastian with a impatient look on his face. Sebastian takes a deep breath deciding now was as good a time as any to tell him. "I had to make you like me." He blurts out. "You were dead...i had no choice."

Ciel looks at Sebastian with wide eyes, his face showing how shocked he was at hearing this. "Like you...a demon?"

Sebastian nods, standing next to Ciel with a sorrowful expression on his face. He knew what Ciel was thinking he could almost hear it as if Ciel was saying it out loud. The anger..the pain he must be feeling at being changed into a monster. Would Ciel hate him? Would he rather have Sebastian just let him die? He didn't know what exactly Ciel was going to say but he knew it wouldn't be good.

Ciel stared off into the distance, his mind going a thousand miles an hour as he tried to process what Sebastian had just told him. "You did it to save me?" He asks.

Sebastian nods slowly, looking at Ciel, trying to figure out if he was upset or not with him. "Yes that's why i did it."

Ciel sighs and closes his eyes, unsure of how to process everything he had just been told. "Im so confused..." He looks up at Sebastian again "So im not human now?"

Sebastian frowns and shakes his head " sorry."

"Ciel covers his face with his hand's, shaking his head. "'re lying to me...this isn't real." He glares up at Sebastian, anger and confusion showing on his face. "How could you do this!?"

Sebastian blinks, started by the sudden outburst then hangs his head down, looking at the floor. "I figured you might respond like this."

Before Sebastian could finish talking Ciel yells out at him "Just get out, leave me alone!" Ciel throws a pillow at Sebastian with a growl and covers his head with the blankets.

Sebastian sighs and walks over to the door. "As you wish..." He mumbles, walking out the door. Once out of the room he leans against the door, closing his eyes, his heart breaking at the sudden hate coming from the one he loves. He takes a deep breath trying not to cry out in anger. He stands there for a moment, his mind racing with thing's he could try doing to make Ciel happy but soon decides to just give Ciel his space. He turns to walk away but stops hearing a soft cry coming from Ciel's room. His heart breaks even more hearing the cries coming from Ciel. He balls up his fists trying to fight the urge to burst into the room and wrap his arms around the small boy. "Damn it..." He grumbles and storms away unable to do anything more.

Ciel cries and screams into his pillow unable to understand how things have gotten so messed up. His life was over...forever changed..Sebastian should have just left him for he would never die...never be able to see his family again...his soul was gone... He gasped as he realized the thoughts going through his head...was he hopping he would still be able to see his family after he was gone? And what happened to his soul? He knew Sebastian wanted it...why would he change Ciel into a demon and save his life instead of simply taking his soul while he had the chance? Ciel peeked out from under the blankets and looked around making sure Sebastian was gone. He sat up in his bed and took a deep breath, wiping his tears away. He had so many questions and didn't know how to ask them. He turned to the window and looked out it was alright night out. How long was he crying for?

Ciel got out of bed and quietly opened his door. He looked down the hall and noticed how quiet it was. Where was everyone? He walked out into hallway wandering around. He didn't remember everything yet so it was like exploring a new castle with all the different rooms and secret hiding areas. He made his way into the game room and looked around at all the different toys and games set up. He noticed a stuffed bunny and picked it up the bunny almost calling to him. He held the bunny close as he continued to walk around the manor. The moonlight shinning through the windows as he walked past them, shinning down onto his face. He sighed deciding to go back to his own room. He wasn't even sure what he was looking for anymore.

Ciel stopped once he got to a door that was open slightly. His curiosity getting the best of him Ciel peeked inside the room. It was a plain room with nothing special inside the walls were bare, he noticed a plain looking dresser and a bed in the room, once his eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room he noticed someone sleeping in the bed. He walked over to the bed and looked down at the figure. It was Sebastian...this must be his room. Ciel sighed softly and frowned. He had yelled at the man who had saved his life...and on more than one occasion. Ciel poked Sebastian's arm. "Hey..."

Sebastian grumbled, opening his eyes. He looked up at Ciel with wide eyes. He blinked a few times unsure if he was seeing straight. Once he was sure that it was Ciel there and not a dream he sat up "What is it?" He asked concerned.

"I can't sleep." Ciel mumbled and nudged Sebastian "Scoot over."

Sebastian did as Ciel asked and scooted over for him "It's been a long time since you have been in my room."

Ciel crawled into bed with Sebastian and cuddled up to him. "I don't remember..."

Sebastian sighed and put his arm around Ciel "Of course you don' sorry."

"It's alright." Ciel looked up into Sebastian's red eyes "Lets just sleep for now."
Sebastian nodded "Of course." He closed his eyes again and smiled, holding Ciel close.

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