Love or lust? Chapter 22

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The carriage stopped in front of Undertaker's building. Ciel looked out the window unsure of what to think of the decor outside. He looks at Sebastian with a frown on his face "Who is this person?"
Sebastian chuckles and gets opens the carriage door, getting out before Ciel and offering Ciel his hand "He's an old friend i guess you could say."

Ciel takes Sebastian's hand and gets out of the carriage. He nods, looking around more "If you say so..."

They walk into the building together Sebastian's demon eyes adjusting quickly to the darkness unlike Ciel who was having trouble getting his demon eyes to adjust. Ciel's eyes glow red in the darkness, he rubs his eyes trying to control them.

"Undertaker are you here!?" Sebastian calls out, standing in front of Ciel trying to make sure Undertaker didn't see Ciel's red eyes before he could explain.

Just as expected a skull comes rolling along the floor twords Ciel and Sebastian. Sebastian easily stops it with his foot as a soft chuckling comes from the darkness. Undertaker walking up to Ciel and Sebastian with a grin on his face. "Hehehe...what brings the little Earl and his Butler to come and see me on such a short notice?"

Sebastian sighs softly unsure of how to even begin trying to ask Undertaker before Sebastian could even open his mouth Undertaker reaches behind him and pulls Ciel away from Sebastian.

Undertaker places a cold hand on Ciel's face, looking into the boys eyes. "Something is...different." He looks at Sebastian and frowns "What have you done to him?"

Ciel struggles, pulling his arm away from Undertaker "Who do you think you are!? Let go of me. We came here for some help and that's all."

Undertaker looks at Ciel confused and slowly begins to giggle again. He puts his hand on his stomach, tilting his head back in laughter. "Tehehehehehe!! I-i never thought...H-he would forget me...Whatever you have done is beyond my control. Hehehe..." Undertaker looks at Sebastian, a wide grin on his face. "I imagine he doesn't know who you are either correct?"

Sebastian frowns and nods, looking away "That's right...he remembers a little but...has pretty much forgotten about me."

Undertaker takes a deep breath and sighs "I haven't laughed like this in a long time hehe...what makes you think i have any answers for you in this situation?"

Ciel crosses his arms, getting annoyed by this laughing lunatic. "Sebastian said you could help us so just do it already. Im getting annoyed!"

Undertaker looked at Ciel, raising an eyebrow at him. "Oh so eager are we not to worry little one i might be able to help you." Undertaker walks over to a desk, opening a large book. "But first i must know what has happened to you."

Sebastian sighs and pulls out a seat for Ciel. "Well its a complicated story but i suppose i need to explain. We were attacked by....someone who wished my master harm. I had to take care of said person but in the process of taking care of them my master got hurt and was on the verge of death...i had no choice and did what i had to in order to save him."

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