Love or lust? Chapter 3

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Sebastian chuckled softly as he looked down at Ciel. He could tell Ciel had enjoyed the dance more than he had expected to. He put his hand on Ciel's chin and lifted it up ever so gently so Ciel was looking up at him. He smirked, leaning his face down closer to Ciel's so there faces was only inches from each other. He watched as Ciel's eyes got wide and his face turned a bright red. "I can tell you enjoyed that young master." He teased.

Ciel's heart raced as he looked into his demons dark red eyes. There faces were so close he could even feel Sebastian's breath on his skin. He didn't know what to do, what to say so he just stood there staring at Sebastian, lost in his thoughts.

Sebastian inched closer to Ciel until there lips were almost touching. He wanted Ciel to give in to him. He knew better than his master what he wanted and he knew that deep in Ciel's heart that he wanted Sebastian.

Just then there was a knock on the door and Ciel's music tutor walked through the door. Sebastian quickly pulled away from Ciel and glared at her. Damn this woman always had the worst timing, she didn't even wait for an answer before barging in.

She quickly saw Ciel's face and stopped in her track's "Why are you blushing so badly, Are you sick?" She asked.

Ciel was still standing there in a daze as the woman came over to him and put her hand on his forehead. "Well you're not hot." She looked at him confused and snapped her fingers in front of his face to get him out of his daze.

Ciel blinked and looked at her confused "When did you get here?" He asked.

Sebastian had to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing at his masters confusion. He didn't realize he could make his master so flustered just by looking into his eyes.

Ciel's teacher shooed Sebastian out of the room quickly which caused him to growl under his breath. He always hated this part being apart from Ciel was almost like torture to him. Yet there wasn't much he could do about it. Ciel needed his studies after all and he, as much as he wanted to, couldn't do them all. So he decided to keep himself busy by going to the kitchen and preparing dinner.

Ciel tried his best to focus on his lessons but he was finding it hard today. Sebastian had looked so serious just a moment before when he was looking into his eyes. He could still feel his heart beating fast as he tried to play his violin. He couldn't get the look out of his head of Sebastian standing before him, gazing into his eyes.

His violin screeched as he struggled to stay focused. The woman shook her head and sighed "What is wrong with you today!?"

Ciel looked at her confused "I-im sorry i don't know." He bowed to her. "I can't seem to focus today." She sighed and nodded "I can tell that...tell me what is on your mind?" She asked, moving closer to him.

Ciel thought about it for a moment and could only think about one thing....Sebastian was on his mind. It was all he could think about for awhile now. Was is always this way or was it just because of what had happened earlier? He stood there not wanting to say what was on his mind.

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