Haunting hour. Part two

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{{ Part two of my Halloween special for Love or lust? ^-^ }}

As soon as Ciel walked into the orphanage he was immediately surrounded by children in costume who looked up at him with big smiles on their faces showing their excitement to see Ciel there. Ciel looked down at them all and forced a smile on his face. "Oh...hello, how are you all doing?"

The children all giggled happily and reached for Ciel's hands wanting to play. Sebastian leaned down to the children with a smile on his face and pulled candy out from his tailcoat, handing it to the children. This made the kids all happy and they took the candy happily and ran away giggling.

Ciel sighed "Well im glad you came prepared these children are more hyper about this than i thought they would be."

Sebastian chuckled and stood up, looking at Ciel "Indeed they do seem excited to have you here for this event."

Ciel nods "I see....well then should we go and inspect the haunted house then?"

Sebastian nods and walks behind Ciel as they walk through the orphanage and out to the backyard. Ciel stops in his tracks as soon as he makes it outside and looks around with wide eyes. A darkness falls over the area as a lone wolfs howl is heard in the distance. A shiver runs up Ciel's spine. He stands in front of the haunted house which was alot more convincing than he thought it would be. It was a old and decrepit looking house with broken windows which had white ghost like curtains blowing out on the wind. "Sebastian what is this...it doesn't feel right?" Ciel waited for a response but when one never came he turned around "Sebastian....?"

Sebastian was nowhere to be found and neither was the orphanage they had just walked out of. Ciel began to tremble in fear...what was going on? Where had Sebastian gone and why was he suddenly in the middle of nowhere with a haunted house? Ciel did the only thing he could do and took off his eyepatch, calling out Sebastian's name. "Sebastian! I order you to come to me now!" Ciel waited, looking around but got no answer. He frowned and put his eyepatch back on. "Damn it..." he mumbled to himself and turned back to the haunted house. There was only thing for Ciel to do now and that was to go through the haunted house. He slowly walked inside, the floors creaking under him as he walked. He looked around noticing how dusty everything was and the spider webs covering everything. It made him think of only one thing....Claude. Could he be here doing this?

Ciel's eyes were sharp as he walked through the house nothing had happened yet and he was beginning to think it was nothing more than a old, creepy house when suddenly a loud scream was heard echoing through the house. The scream made Ciel jump and look around he noticed the scream was coming from upstairs and he quickly ran up the steps not thinking twice that it could be a trap. Once he got to the top step he felt a push against his chest which made him fall back almost in slow motion Ciel reached out trying to grab onto anything he could but there was nothing for him to hold onto.

Before Ciel could fall back onto the steps someone caught him by the arms. He looked up at saw Sebastian. He breathed a sigh of relief "Sebastian where have you been!?"Sebastian tilts his head, staring at Ciel confused "What do you mean? I have been here the whole time."

Ciel stands up and fixes his clothes before looking at Sebastian "What...no you weren't i was looking for you. I even called out to you and you didn't come." Sebastian puts his hands on his hips "What are you talking about i have been here the entire time."

Ciel raises an eyebrow at Sebastian and crosses his arms. He notices Sebastian's hand on his hip and clears his throat "Right...well then Sebastian...did you happen to notice that cat by the front door?"

Sebastian frowned and closed his eyes with a sigh, speaking with a flat voice "What's so important about a cat?"

Ciel gasped softly under his breath and shook his head "Nothing..." He turned around and started to walk down the hallway making sure to keep an eye out for anything that might come out at him.

A small figure came out of the shadows and ran up to Ciel. Ciel jumped away from it with a yelp. The figure cried and grabbed onto Ciel's outfit. Once Ciel looked down at it and noticed it was nothing more than a small child who was crying in fear he sighed and put his hand ontop of the child's head. "What are you doing in here all alone?" He asked.

The child looked up at Ciel, tears in his eyes "I-i got lost...I-i went outside and....i don't know what happened."The child buried it's face in Ciel's clothes, continuing to cry out louder.

Ciel blinked and looked around. This child's story sounded alot like his own. He went outside and somehow got lost in this maze of a haunted house....just what was going on here? He looked back at Sebastian who still had a blank expression on his face seeming to not respond to the child at all. Ciel took a deep breath "Come on we need to find a way out of here." He told he child and took his hand.

They walked back downstairs and went to where the front door was. Ciel's eyes got wide and he let go of the boys hand, running to the wall where the door once was. "It's gone!" He looked around feeling as if he was losing his mind. "I know it was here!" The door was no where to be seen. Ciel didn't want to admit it but he was starting to feel as if they were trapped. There was one last thing for him to try. He picked up a tall lap and smashed it against one of the windows causing glass to shatter all over the floor. Before Ciel could inspect the window Sebastian grabbed his hand. "Hey what are you doing!? We need to get out of here!" Ciel glared at Sebastian then noticed what Sebastian was looking at. Ciel had cut his finger while breaking the glass.

Sebastian's eyes were glowing a bright red as he looked at the blood on Ciel's finger. A grin formed on his face and without thinking he put Ciel's finger in his mouth, licking the blood on Ciel's finger with a satisfied moan his body seeming to go into a trance like state.

Ciel frowned and struggled against Sebastian trying to get his hand away from the demon's. "Stop it! Let me go, i know you're not Sebastian now stop!"
As soon as Ciel said that Sebastian's eyes turned from a crimson red to a warm golden color. He grinned and grabbed onto Ciel's wrist, digging his nails into the boys flesh. "I should have known better than to try and fool you, Phantomhive. Yet i did manage to ensnare you in my trap." The room went black for a moment. Once the light found it's way back into the room Ciel was staring up at Claude. "I knew it was you!" He yelled out and whimpered as Claude dug his nails deeper into Ciel's skin. "You're mine now, Phantomhive. And that soul of yours...im going to enjoy taking it from you." His grin widened, showing his fangs as he dragged Ciel away from the window.

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