Love or lust? Chapter 15

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Sebastian's eyes glowed bright as he quickly pushed Ciel to the side. A flash of black flying past them as Ciel falls to the floor.

Ciel looks up ready to yell at Sebastian but stops as he sees Sebastian pinned against the wall by another man also dressed in a tailcoat. Ciel glares at him and stands up, grabbing his pistol from inside his shirt. He aims the gun at them and yells "Get off of him or ill shoot!"

Sebastian quickly threw the man off of him and stood protectively in front of Ciel "I knew it was you, Claude. What are you doing here?"

Claude smirked and fixed his tailcoat "Oh im sure you can figure that out on your own." His eyes moved over to Ciel and he licked his lips. "I still haven't given up you know."

Sebastian grow, taking out some knives from his tailcoat "You know you wont succeed so why even try?"

"You forget that i have the advantage here." Claude grinned as he showed Sebastian the demon sword he had taken from Hannah.

Ciel pulled on the back of Sebastian's coat and whispered "Sebastian...what are we going to do?"

Before Sebastian could respond Claude came lunging at him, aiming the sword at Sebastian. Sebastian picked up Ciel quickly and jumped out of the way. He ran outside, holding Ciel in his arms. "We must get you someplace safe first." He yelled to Ciel.

"No im not leaving you!" Ciel pulled on the collar of Sebastian's jacket, looking up at him with determination on his face. "I wont leave you!"

Sebastian sighed and nodded "I wont let him have you." He stopped running and turned around. Sebastian quickly jumped up in a tree, trying to get a better view of where Claude had gone.

Ciel kept a close eye out also as he watched Sebastian's back. He scanned through all the tree's trying to find Claude. He suddenly saw some quickly movements going from one tree to another. Ciel gasped "Over there!" He yelled to Sebastian.

Sebastian quickly turned around and jumped to another tree just as Claude crashed into the tree that they were hiding on. "Damn it." Sebastian mumbled. He needed to find a weapon and fast. Just then bullets were heard coming from the rooftop of the manor. Sebastian looked up and with his demon eyes could easily see Mey-Rin on the roof shooting down at them.

Sebastian stopped as he got to another tree and looked back at Claude who was now hiding behind a tree as bullet's flied down at him, hitting the tree.

Sebastian grinned and sat Ciel down on the tree trunk "Finally it seems that everyone is coming out of hiding."

Ciel looked up at the roof trying to see where the bullets were coming from. "Why is Claude here now? I know he's here for me but why did he choose now?"

"Perhaps he knew that we had gone out of town and he thought he would catch us off guard as we returned home." Sebastian responded, not taking his eyes off of Claude.

Ciel nodded "That sounds like something he would do. We need to get the advantage on him. Right now he's not moving but it's not like bullet's could kill him..we need more." Ciel looked down at Claude and then at Sebastian "Get that sword from him."

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