Love or lust? Chapter 4

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Ciel simply shrugged Soma off of him " im going to tell you anything." He grumbled.

Soma sighed and returned to his seat on the other side of the table and looked down at the chess board. "You know you can talk to me about anything...right Ciel?"

Ciel glanced at Soma, the young princes face was sincere and serious. Something Ciel hardly ever saw from the prince since he was always joking around. Ciel nodded slowly "Yes i know."

Soma was about to try to get more from Ciel when Sebastian came into the room, followed closely by Agni.

"Here you are master i was looking all over for you when i found out that your lesson had been canceled. Why didn't you come to me?" Sebastian asked as he walked over to Ciel and placed a hand on Ciel's shoulder.

Ciel immediately blushed softly and tried not to make eye contact with Sebastian. "I-i didn't think it would be necessary."

Soma noticed the change in Ciel and looked at Agni with a questioning look. He wasn't sure about it but could the person Ciel was in love with be his butler?

Agni walked over to Soma "Sebastian maybe you should take Ciel to go and eat while the food is still warm." He suggested.

Sebastian nodded, looking at Agni "Yes that is the reason i came to find the young master after all." He looked down at Ciel and smiled. "Lets go." He took Ciel's hand and helped him up.

Ciel stood up as Sebastian took his hand and nodded "Alright...i suppose im hungry after all." He looked over at Soma to tell him goodbye but stopped as he saw the expression on Soma's face. Soma was looking at him with wide eyes and a knowing look on his face.

"What is it?" Ciel asked, wanting to know what Soma was thinking. He looked at Sebastian and then at there hands and gasped. "I-it's not what it looks like." He tried to say but was cut off when Soma stood up quickly and pulled Ciel into a tight hug.

Soma held Ciel tightly as tears ran down his face. "Ciel i don't care who you love i just want you to be happy!"

Ciel jumped and tried to push Soma off. "What are you talking about!?"

Sebastian simply glared at Soma, feeling a ping of jealousy creep into him. There was only one thing on this earth that could make him jealous and this was it.

"Ciel i can see it there's no need to try to lie to me!" Soma continued to bawl as he held Ciel tightly in place. "You must follow your heart and never look back."

Ciel sighed and gave up trying to get away from the prince. Damn it he had tried so hard to hide it yet again Soma could see right through him....yet it felt kind of good knowing that he has someone who know and they were supportive of him.

Sebastian sighed and chuckled softly. He crossed his arms as he watched the two. He knew there was nothing to fear from Soma...he was just a idiot who couldn't control his emotions for anything. He looked over at Agni and gave him a look that said you better get him off of my master before i hurt him.

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