Love or lust? Chapter 23

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Once they got back to the manor Ciel immediately jumps out of the carriage and storms to into the manor not giving Sebastian a chance to say or do anything. "What kind of sick joke is this!? You and me!?" Ciel walks up the steeps to his room stomping his feet the entire way up.

Sebastian sighs and follows Ciel into the manor, a frown on his face as he closes the door and watches Ciel. "I do not lie, M'lord. You wanted to know why he was behaving as if their was more going on and i told you."

Ciel turned to look at Sebastian a growl coming from him as he glares at Sebastian. "I have heard enough! I wont stand here and have you talk such nonsense about me!" Ciel storms into his room, slamming the door behind him.

Sebastian lowers his head and bites his lip. He was afraid that this would happen and now that it has he wasn't sure what to do about it in order to fix it. He sighs and rubs his temples "I suppose all i can do now is keep doing what i have been doing and just be his butler." Sebastian goes into the kitchen and starts working on preparing dinner.

Up in his room Ciel paces back and forth unwilling to accept anything that Sebastian had just told him. His anger and embarrassment building up inside of him ready to boil over. "Stupid demon...all he's trying to do is trick me." He picks up a book from his nightstand and throws it against the wall "I'm not so easily tricked!"

Downstairs Sebastian hears the commotion and wipes off his hands. He sighs and goes upstairs to Ciel's room and knocks on Ciel's door. "M'lord are you alright?"

Ciel's eyes glow red with anger. He goes over to the door and opens it, looking up at Sebastian "What do you want!? To tell me more lies!? You think im stupid or something? I'm not falling for it!"

Sebastian takes a steep back, surprised by Ciel's outburst. He clears his throat trying to hold back his tears "I told you i do not lie. What i told you was the truth weather you want to believe it or not."

"Shut up! Just get out, i don't want you around me anymore!" Ciel pushes Sebastian out of his room "You're not my butler anymore!" He slams his door in Sebastian's face, a loud growl being heard from behind the door.

Sebastian turns away from the door and sighs, placing his hand on his chin "This isn't good...his demon side is showing and he is still to young to know how to control it...and now he doesn't want me around him. What do i do now?"

As Sebastian is busy talking to himself Tanaka walks up beside him "Well he is going to need a butler for the time being and if he doesn't want you around i can fulfill that role until he comes back to his senses."

Sebastian looks at Tanaka and sighs in relief "Thank you, i know as long as you're with him he will be alright." Sebastian moves away from the door and sighs hearing another bang against the wall as Ciel throws something. "He is having a temper tantrum i think some warm milk might calm him down."

Tanka nods "Then i will bring it right away for him." Tanaka walks away to get the warm milk.Sebastian quickly walks outside and whistles. A loud thumping sound rushing up to him until Pluto comes around the side of he manor and runs up to Sebastian. He barks happily and leans down to Sebastian.

"Where have you been?" Sebastian sighs and rubs Pluto's ear to make him happy "Go and take care of the young master."

Pluto smiles happily and turns into his human form. He runs into the manor and quickly runs up to Ciel's room.

Ciel turns to look at Pluto his eyes still glowing red "What are you doing here!?" He yells at the demon hound, still pacing back and forth. "Just get out i have no need for you!"

Pluto whimpers and pouts but doesn't leave. He walks up to Ciel and nuzzles his hand, trying to calm Ciel down.

Ciel looks down at Pluto and growls his anger getting the best of him "Why wont you leave!?" Ciel raises his hand to hit Pluto but is soon pinned down by Pluto who had changed into his dog form suddenly. His giant body taking up every inch of room left in Ciel's room. "Whoa!!" Ciel grumbled and tried to get away from the demon hound but soon gave up not able to budge Pluto even an inch. Ciel sighed and closed his eyes. He looked at Pluto and chuckled, nuzzling his face into Pluto's fur "You don't give up do you?"

Pluto smiles and curls up with Ciel, placing his tail over the boys small body and letting Ciel lay down on him.
Tanaka comes up to Ciel's room holding a tray with a warm glass of milk on it and honey. He smiles as he enters the room and sees Ciel cuddling with Pluto. Ciel had fallen asleep nuzzled into the hounds fur. Tanaka sets the tray down and grabs a blanket and places it over Ciel "Goodnight, Young Master." He looks up at Pluto and smiles softly "Good job Pluto."

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