Love or lust? Chapter 17

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Sebastian's cries could be heard throughout the area Ciel was gone...Sebastian knew this yet....he couldn't accept it not yet. He held onto the boy who had gone limp in his arms and sobbed. His heart breaking into a million pieces. Any amount of love a demon could ever have for a human gone instantly. Sebastian would never love again of this he was sure. His reason for living was gone, he knew he would soon lose control and go back to his old ways before he had met Ciel. He would become a monster and kill for fun. Sebastian rocked back and forth, crying as he looked down at the boy he loved in his arms. His beautiful eyes never to open again.

Alois follows the cries and find's Sebastian on his knees, holding onto Ciel who wasn't moving. Sebastian turns around quickly hearing Alois walking up behind him. He growls, his eyes glowing red as tears run down his face.

"I didn't know demons could cry." Alois says as he backs away a few steeps "Im not here to fight you...i came to try and help." He sighs and looks at Ciel "I don't want him to die."

Sebastian looks back down at Ciel and places a kiss on Ciel's forehead. "He has already stopped breathing....he wont ever wake up again." Sebastian closes his eyes and hold's Ciel to his chest. "You know there's a way to save him....why don't you do it?" Alois crosses his arms. "No one wants to see him dead...i know you don't want to be without him."

"If i did that...he might hate me." Sebastian mumbles into Ciel's hair as he holds the boy in his arms, trying to decide what to do. He didn't want to lose Ciel that much was clear. But he didn't want Ciel to hate him either. Sebastian let out a cry that sounded more like a howl as he looked up at the sky.

Alois frowned and bit his lip trying to stay strong for Sebastian. He needed to convince Sebastian to save Ciel and fast. He walked over to Sebastian's side "You know he loves you...he would never hate you no matter what you did to him Sebastian."

Sebastian whimpered and looked up at Alois "Why are you trying to convince me....what is your plan?"

Alois closed his eyes and shook his head "I have no plan." He shifted on his feet slightly and rubbed the back of his neck nervously "Im not sure how to say this but....i want Ciel to be happy and i know you make him happy...Lizzy knows that also."

Hearing that Sebastian's eyes got wide "Lizzy knows about us?"

Alois nods and chuckles softly trying to hide how nervous he was talking about this with Sebastian. "Well me and Lizzy have gotten...close." He looks at Sebastian with a serious face. "Im in love with her." He blurts out.

Sebastian shakes his head unable to take in all this information while at the same time still trying to figure out what to do about Ciel. "I-i don't understand." Alois sighs "Look that's not important right now i can explain it all later right now you need to help Ciel."

Sebastian nods and looks down at Ciel. He places a soft kiss on Ciel's lips. "I can't live without you...and if that means i have to do something as this in order to have you with me forever then i will do it." Sebastian then picks up Ciel bridal style and runs back to the manor. He ignores the servants looking at him and run's up to Ciel's room. He lays Ciel down on his bed and looks down at him. He then holds Ciel's face in his hands and places there lips inches from each others as he sucks out Ciel's soul. Waves of energy flowing out of Ciel and into Sebastian's mouth.

Without swallowing it Sebastian spits out Ciel's soul into his hand and curses. In his rush Ciel's soul had been damaged and was now broken up into three small pieces. Not having enough time to try and figure it out Sebastian looks around for the closest thing and he picks up Ciel's bitter rabbit toy, putting a piece into it. He then puts a piece into Ciel's blue ring and a piece into Ciel's pistol that he always carried with him.

Without a second thought Sebastian then bares his fangs and sink's his teeth into Ciel's neck. Changing Ciel slowly. He waited until Ciel gave some sign of life before he let go of Ciel's neck. Ciel groaned before suddenly screaming in pain his body burning with the change going on inside of him. He squirmed around as Sebastian held in down tight. Sebastian couldn't help but smile as he saw the life coming back to his beloved. Yet Ciel continued to scream in pain, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Sebastian wiped the tears away and tried to calm Ciel the best he could. He kissed Ciel's lips trying to quiet his screams. After what felt like forever Ciel finally stopped screaming and fell into a deep sleep.

Sebastian stayed by his side, watching over Ciel as he slept. It was a long night as Sebastian paced back and forth hoping that he had made the right decision. He kept checking on Ciel to make sure he was still breathing. He put the three items that held his soul away in a safe place. After pacing some more Sebastian sat down in a chair by Ciel's bed and waited for Ciel to wake up.

The sun finally came up and shinned into Ciel's room almost as if it was breathing new life into the otherwise dark and dreary room. Ciel soon started to stir in his sleep, his eyes soon opening. Ciel looked around the room with a confused expression on his face. He sat up slowly and jumped once Sebastian touched his hand. He looked up at Sebastian and tilted his head. Sebastian looked into Ciel's eyes and immediately knew something was wrong. "Ciel... are you ok?" He asked not sure if he wanted to know the answer.

Ciel moved his hand away from Sebastian's and quickly moved to the other side of the bed "Who are you?" He asked fear clearly on his face as he shivered in fear, pulling the blankets tighter around himself.

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