Hallow Night. Part one

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{{My Halloween story im making for Love or Lust. Each chapter will have a different title and i think im going to make three chapters for this. }}

October 31st, the day of Halloween Sebastian came into Ciel's office holding a tray of sweets and a warm cup of tea. He sets it down on Ciel's desk, staring at the boy with a curious look on his face. "It's Halloween, M'lord why don't you prepare to go out and do some trick or treating?"

Ciel looks up at Sebastian with a blank face "What do you take me for? A child who gets excited on a day like today where all you do is dress up in a costume and go door to door asking for candy...if i want candy all i have to do is simply order you to get me some."

Sebastian sighs softly and nods "I suppose that's true but this year the children down at the orphanage have set up a haunted house and they were hoping that you would attend."

Ciel sighs as he leans back in his chair and closes his eyes "Isn't it enough that i give those children my newly developed toys from my company and i send them all sorts of other sweets. Why must i do this for them?"

"It is all to keep your image M'lord you should know about that. They want to see you and you know what will happen if you say no...everyone will look down on you and im sure you don't want that." Sebastian said with a grin.

"Fiiine you don't need to keep going on about it i get the picture." Ciel rubbed his temples with his hand "Then i suppose im going to need a costume...Sebastian..."

Before Ciel could say anymore Sebastian held up a pair of devil horns with a smirk on his face "Already taken care of, M'lord."

Ciel looks at Sebastian and then at the horns surprised "You already had this planned out didn't you?"

"Well of course i did you know how i just adore to dress you up and what better excuse than on Halloween." Sebastian placed the horns on Ciel's head and steps back to look at him "You're going to look adorable."

"Ciel rolls his eyes and looks away from Sebastian "A demon such as yourself thinking anything is adorable....it worries me honestly."

Sebastian laughs "I assure you that you have nothing to worry about. Now hurry up and eat so we can get you ready to go the children are waiting."

Ciel nods and nibbles on a small cake from the tray. He picks up his cup of tea and takes a sip. Ciel looks at Sebastian and chuckles "What is with all the sweets today?"

Sebastian smiles and shrugs "I thought you might need the energy for later that's all."

"Well that's a good enough reason for me." Ciel continues to eat his cake and picks up another one from the tray.

Sebastian picks the tray up and bows to Ciel before leaving the room.

After Ciel is done eating he gets up and heads downstairs. "Alright im ready!"

Sebastian quickly rushes over to Ciel "We must get you ready first." Sebastian looks around to make sure no one is looking and quickly with inhuman speed he changes Ciel's clothes into his demon costume and steps back to look at him with a smile on his face.

Ciel stands there in shock with a blush covering his face. "H-hey what did i tell you about doing that? What if someone saw you!?"

Sebastian chuckles "Which is why i looked around first don't worry no one saw. Now come on we must go." Sebastian quickly rushes Ciel out the door and to the carriage.

Once the carriage starts moving Sebastian opens a piece of paper and reads from it. "They have a haunted maze along with a haunted house of course. There is going to be a costume contest and pumpkin carving."

Ciel looks out the window and sighs "But all i have to do is make an appearance right?" Sebastian thinks for a moment and grins "Not true they want you to attend every event." Ciel looks at Sebastian and raises an eyebrow "Why don't i believe you? You're using this as a chance to get me to act more childish aren't you?"

"And why would i do that?" Sebastian chuckles softly "But maybe i do have another reason for doing this."

Ciel crosses his arms, closing his eyes as he tries to think of what it could be. "Hmm....well you're a demon and this is a holiday your kind would enjoy...are you hoping to find a soul to eat at this gathering?"

Sebastian couldn't help but laugh at that and he shakes his head "No it's not that at all." Before Ciel could ask another question the carriage came to a stop and the door opened. Sebastian got out first and held a hand out to Ciel. "Were here M'lord."

Ciel took Sebastian's hand and got out of the carriage. He looked around and immediately noticed all of the Halloween decorations everywhere. From paper ghost to carved pumpkins even plastic bat's hanging from the trees and spiderwebs covering the entire area. Bright lights light up the entire area. Ciel looks at everything with wide eyes. "Ive never seen this place so decorated before they put in alot of work."

Sebastian smiles and nods "Indeed they did and they did it with you in mind."

Ciel looks at Sebastian confused "What do you mean with me in mind?"

"Well they were hoping that you would come. They wanted to put this all together for you they will be very happy to see that you came."
Ciel nods and turns his attention back to the decorations "Well then we shouldn't keep them waiting."

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