Love or lust? Chapter 28

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The following day Sebastian was busy cleaning the manor. Not like the manor was very dirty considering the state Ciel was in. Ciel hadn't been able to do much of anything for some time now and due to that the manor had remained very clean. The only time a mess happened was when Mey-Rin broke some dishes or Finny with his enormous strength broke something or when Bard as always blew the kitchen up. Yet much to Sebastian's surprised not to much of that was happening lately. Was it because of the state Ciel was in, Sebastian wondered. He looked around. All the other servants had long faces as they went about their day. Sebastian sighed, everyone did seem sad about this new turn of events.

Sebastian looked down at his work. He was in the middle of preparing breakfast, knowing that Alois would be hungry. He wasn't sure what Alois would like so he made a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast with a scone on the side. Sebastian turned, tray in hand to go up to Alois' room and stood there shocked to see Alois standing there in the doorway to the kitchen. "What are you doing down here?"

"I wasn't able to sleep very worried about what will happen." Alois looked down, his face was pale, his eyes heavy from lack of sleep. Sebastian could tell Alois had been crying all night.

Sebastian walked over to Alois, his face sad as he looked down at the boy "I have prepared breakfast, come with me into the dinning room." Sebastian walked past Alois, going into the dinning room. He sat the tray down on the table and pulled a chair out for the boy.

Alois followed Sebastian, not making a noise. He wasn't used to being in the Phantom manor and wasn't sure of where everything was yet. Alois sighed, looking around. It wasn't like home...Alois had to admit...he was homesick. He wanted to go home more than anything but he hated the thought of being alone. What was the point of going back to a empty manor, he would just be more lonely than he was now. Alois sat down in the chair offered to him and looked down at the food he had no desire to eat.

Sebastian could see the pain on Alois' face. Sebastian pulled out another chair and sat down beside Alois. He wasn't sure what to say to the boy but he knew he had to say something. "I'm not planning on hurting Hannah but at  the same time i know she will put up a fight. I will do everything in my power not to kill her..."

Alois looked at Sebastian, shocked. He was shocked by many things really. A butler sitting down at a table and talking to him the way Sebastian was....this demon really was odd. Yet Sebastian was sitting there, talking to him as if Alois was just a normal person, not a Earl, not someone who should be feared or treated differently. 'No wonder why Ciel fell in love with him' Alois thought.  "Thank you..." Alois wasn't sure what to say. He didn't want to lose Hannah but he knew Sebastian had to do what he had to in order to save Ciel.

Sebastian wanted to comfort Alois but wasn't sure how. Sebastian leaned back in his chair, looking at the boy. His sad expression making Sebastian's heart break. After a long pause Sebastian finally spoke up "Tell me about yourself."

Alois looked at Sebastian, shocked again by his words "You want to know about me? But why?"

Sebastian shrugs "If we are going to be living together for awhile don't you think i should know more about you?"

Alois nods slowly and takes a deep breath "Alright....well....growing up i lived in a small village with my brother. It wasn't really living though, we were homeless for the most part and everyone seemed to hate us. The damn villagers treated us like trash." Alois' eyes went cold as he told the story, obviously still not over the way him and his brother were treated. A pain like would never go away, Sebastian knew that. He had seen it many times before with other people and it never leaded to anything good. Which of course for Alois it didn't. He had sold his soul to a demon because of it, he was, still alive with his soul and the demon was dead. Maybe Alois did have someone on the other side looking out for him after all, perhaps his brother.

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