Love or lust? Chapter 29

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Alois sighs, watching as Ciel slowly ate his food, Sebastian smiling as he feed the boy. Alois rolled his eyes, the mushy show making him want to hurl. "How much longer is this going to take?" He grumbled.

Sebastian chuckled, looking at Alois "It shouldn't be to much longer, are you really in such a hurry to find Hannah?"

Alois shrugs "Not really.....but id like to get this whole thing over with as fast as we can, i can't stay here forever."

"Who said you can't?" Sebastian smiles softly at Alois before turning his attention back to Ciel, feeding him the last few bites of food.

Ciel ate the food, his embarrassment being pushed to the side, his hunger getting the best of him. He sighed once he was finally finished, placing his hand on his stomach, finally full for the first time in what seemed like weeks, maybe even months. "What do we do now?" He asked.

"Now we must decide on what were going to do,  and how were going to approach Hannah." Sebastian looked over at Grell who was moping in the corner, trying to avoid the mushy scene.

"What? Now you're ready to listen to me?" Grell grumbled, looking over at Sebastian. He made a face showing disgust at the boy sitting on Sebastian's lap and sighed "I will never understand what you see in him."

Sebastian sighed "Were not here to argue about this right now, a demon is on the lose and she's looking for blood. We must stop her." Sebastian stands up, holding Ciel and gently places Ciel on the chair. "This is what i think we should do. We know she is in the area already, somewhere close knowing her. It shouldn't be that hard to find her demons are able to sense each other as long as were close enough together. All we have to do is search the nearby areas until i find her and then i suggest we do a surprise attack."

"Are you sure you need me for this? If it's so easy to find her why haven't you at least looked around the area on your own?" Grell crosses his arms, looking out the window.

"I have had my hands full here at the manor, besides if i did that and they found me in the area i would have been outnumbered. The odds are as soon as i find her she will find me also and we will have no choice but fight."

Grell nods slowly "Mmm i suppose that's true...she is here for a fight after all and those triplets she has...they wont hesitate to attack when given the command. They really have no brain of their own, do they?"

Alois sighs and stands up suddenly "Then is that it? Are we ready  to go?"

Ciel blinks, looking at Alois, his gaze seeming to look as if he was struggling to stay focused on Alois "What are you going to do when we go?"

Alois looks at Ciel and frowns "Me? What do you mean what am i going to do, what are you going to do? You look as if you're half dead now." He smirked.

Sebastian frowns, steeping to the side of Ciel as he gazes at Alois, his eyes narrow. "No need to worry about what M'lord is going to do. And you, Alois...just make sure to stay out of our way. Having you there with us might help in convincing Hannah not to fight but if it doesn't we don't need you in the way."

Alois sighs, crossing his arms "Yeah, whatever...." He mumbles.

"Then lets get this search started, shall we?" Sebastian smiles, clapping his hands together as he looks around the room at everyone.


Not far away from the manor, on a mountain top, in a old, rundown manor. Hannah and the triplets had been waiting. Hannah knew that having the rabbit in hand would guarantee Sebastian's arrival. Hannah, growled, looking at the toy in her hand, she could feel the soul radiating from it. Her anger grew and grew with each passing day. It took all her strength not to crush the small soul in her hand into oblivion.

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