Love or lust? Chapter 30

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It was quiet, no noise was heard as Sebastian, Ciel and Grell silently made their way up to the giant manor. Ciel hid behind a bush, his eyes never leaving the manor in front of them. Sebastian made his way over to a tall tree, doing the same, his eyes never leaving the manor as he waited for any sign of the demon's he knew was inside.

Grell ran up to the front door and kicked it in, his chainsaw revved up and ready to attack. He grinned wide, looking around "I'm home!!!" He yelled as he waved his chainsaw around. He sighed, looking around confused, not seeing anyone inside the manor. "Hey where is everyone!?" He looked back at Sebastian with a pout "I thought you said they were here, Sebastian!"

Sebastian put his face up to his temples, sighing loud as he closed his eyes "Damn it, Grell...." He mumbled.

"You idiot!! You just gave away our spot, now they will know were here!!" Ciel yelled out, standing up and placing his hands on his hips as he glared at Grell.

Grell shrugs, placing his chainsaw on his shoulder "Well it's not like they are here anyways so it doesn't matter."

Just then a round of shots were fired at Ciel from the sky. Ciel jumps back, trying to avoid the bullets. Sebastian runs over to Ciel, pushing Ciel into another bush as he takes a shot into his own arm. Sebastian groans, placing his hand onto his arm and looks up at the sky, glaring at nothing as he searches for where the bullets were coming from. "I know it's you, Hannah! Show yourself!" He growls.

Ciel lands in the bush with a loud thud, his body hitting the ground hard. "Ow! Sebastian!!" He growls in pain as he struggles to get up.  A tug at the back of his shirt pulling him up suddenly. Ciel gasps, trying to see who it is. A head of purple hair all he needs to see to know it was one of the triplets. "Let me go!" Ciel struggles in the demon's arms as a arm wraps around Ciel's neck, holding Ciel in place. The arm around him surprisingly strong as Ciel wiggles around, trying to get free.

Sebastian sees the struggle and throws a knife at Thompson who was holding Ciel, hitting the tree right next to Thompson's head. Thompson looks at Sebastian with red eyes, letting go of Ciel as he jumps op into the tree.

Ciel falls down onto his knees, gasping as he places his hand to his neck, coughing. "D-damn it..." He mumbles, getting back to his feet slowly.

Sebastian goes over to Ciel quickly, holding onto Ciel's arm, helping him to his feet as he keeps a watch out for the triplets, knowing they were close. "You must be careful they are watching us." Sebastian's eyes turned red, searching the area. He hears movement behind them and turns around quickly.

Grell jumps, holding up his hands "Hey it's only me! What happened over here? Those demon's came out of nowhere. Where did they go?"

Ciel glares at Grell, a frown on his face "And who's fault is that!? You idiot where were you when they attacked us!?"

Sebastian suddenly jumps on Ciel, covering him as a giant sword comes flying at them. "Sebastian!" Ciel yells out, surprised by Sebastian's actions. Grell quickly gets out his chainsaw, blocking the sword as it clashes into his chainsaw.

Hannah glares at Grell from the other side of the sword, sparks flying from the chainsaw "Why are you here!?" She yells at him as she jumps away. A look of pure hate on her face.

Grell grins, shrugging his shoulders "Well if you must know i was promised a kiss from a certain handsome man if i were to help him in getting back that little soul that you took."

Hannah growls, holding up her sword in defense "It matters not why i took it! All that matters is now he will know the same pain that he caused me, i will not forgive him!" Her eyes glow a bright red, the anger and pain rising within her, causing a dark black shadow to form behind her.

Sebastian appears behind Hannah, wrapping some rope around her, pinning her arms down to her sides. He grins, seeing the sword in her hands falling to the ground as she struggles to get free, his growls becoming louder. "Damn you!! I will have my revenge!"

From the bushes Ciel lunges at Hannah, his small shot gun in hand. He aims the gun at Hannah and without a second though shots her, the bullet hitting her in her chest, causing her to scream out in pain.

"Shut up!" Ciel yells out, lowering his gun "The shot isn't fatal, even if it was you're a bloody demon, you wont die from it!" He growls, glaring at her with red eyes.

Sebastian smirks, impressed with the little demon in front of him "This fight has proven to be rather dull, hasn't it?"

A loud smack to the back of the head sends Ciel falling to the ground again. His eyes wide as he collapses, gasping for air, his ears ringing. He struggles to look around, trying to see what had hit him. His vision blurry as he struggles to look around, trying not to pass out. He sees Sebastian running up to him, a look of worry on his face. Unable to hear what Sebastian was saying Ciel closes his eyes, collapsing into Sebastian's arms.

Sebastian holds onto Ciel tight, growling as Hannah disappears from her confines. Sebastian looks at Grell, his fangs showing "Go get him!" He yells, pointing to Canterbury who was running away from the scene after smacking Ciel in the back of the head with a shovel. Sebastian growls, picking up the boys limp body in his arms, running him back to the safety of the carriage. Sebastian opens the door quickly, putting Ciel onto the seat.

Alois gasps, looking at Sebastian with wide eyes, surprised that he was back so soon. "What happened? What's going on out there, where's Hannah!?"

Sebastian growls, looking at Ciel, he touches Ciel's face and sighs "He passed out....he's not safe here, we need to get him out of here and fast."

Just then a loud bang is heard coming from the roof of the carriage, the carriage shaking as something moved around ontop of the carriage.

Alois screams, covering his mouth as he looks with wide eyes to the roof "What is it!? What's going on!?"

Hannah smashes a giant hole into the roof of the carriage, growling loud, her fangs showing, her face had turned into something out of a nightmare, her eyes glowing brighter as the dark shadows around her grew bigger, surrounding her entire body. "He will die!!" She screams, reaching for Ciel.

Alois screams, seeing what Hannah had become. He curls up on the seat across from Ciel "Hannah what are you doing!?" He yells, causing Hannah to stop and look over at her. Her face showing her shock at seeing him in the carriage with them. "Highness....?" She mumbles.

Sebastian uses the distraction to reach into his tailcoat and throws four knifes at Hanna, jumping out of the carriage with Ciel in his arms. "We must go!" He yells back to Alois as he runs.

Hannah screams, the knifes hitting her in her chest and arm. She falls off of the carriage, writhing in pain. The blackness around her growing again and covering her as her anger grows again. She gets up slowly, blood pouring out of her wounds. Her growls loud enough to echo off the trees around her as she runs after Sebastian at lightning speed.

Alois covers his ears as Hannah screams, tears coming to his eyes as he closes his eyes tight. "Hannah stop!" He screams, his please falling on deaf ears as Hannah runs away from him after Sebastian. Alois sniffles, looking out the carriage before steeping out "I will stop you, Hannah." He says before running in the direction of the loud screams he had come to hate.

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