Chapter Twenty Three

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Nuclear Family {Green Day}

Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues!


 One year has passed since Joey and I told Billie and Adie about our romance. Although at the time we thought telling them would tear us apart, they took is wonderfully and we're stronger than ever. Which is what has made today possible- we're moving into our new apartment together.

Our apartment is in downtown Oakland, a beautiful 30th floor flat overlooking the ocean. It's like something from a dream. It's open and airy, letting in as much natural light as possible. I've hung plants in the corners of every room and tried to keep the decor minimalistic. One wall in the living room is covered in Joey's skate decks, the other three are covered in my horseback riding ribbons. There is a small sunroom off of the kitchen where the birds have their cage, and the dogs have beds in our bedroom. Everything is nearly perfect. All that's left to do is hang up the family pictures that I insisted we all have taken.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Joey hammering nails into the wall for our photos. I go into the bedroom to observe.

"It looks perfect. Like home," I told him.

He turned and smiled at me, his beautiful smile lighting up the room and making my toes tingle. Without saying a word, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me deeply. 

"I love you," he said softly.

'I love you too," I said back to him. 

As he held me tightly in his arms, I lost myself in his scent and my thoughts. I thought about how far I've come from my life with my biological parents. I was nearly murdered, and now I consider my true parents Billie Joe and Adrienne Armstrong. Amazing how things change. I'm still amazed and truly grateful every single day for them changing my life. And every day I'm in debt to them for not only taking me in, but for bringing Joey and Jakob into my life. I gained a brother and a lover simultaneously, initially not even realizing it. My life has gone from hell to paradise in almost no time, and I couldn't be happier. 

As Joey let me go, he held my hands in his and looked at me.

"Let's go for a walk on the beach" he suggested.

I sighed happily. "Sounds perfect."

It sounded like heaven. It had been a long and tiring day moving in, even with the help of our family. But it was well worth it, because we get to start the next chapter of our lives together today. It's somewhat bittersweet, because I feel as though after today I'm leaving my old life behind, all the pain and struggles, and truly giving into the happiness of my new life. 

As we walked hand in hand to the beach that lay only meters away from our apartment, I felt a contentment wash over me that I had never felt before. I felt truly happy. 

Only when I felt the water rush over my bare feet did I realize that we had reached the beach. We walked in a peaceful silence for a few minutes before Joey had a sharp intake of breath and turned to face me. 

"Cass, I need to ask you something." He said, somewhat urgently.

"Anything." I told him, trying to stop the concern from slipping into my voice.

He took another deep breath, looking me deep in the eyes. He fished in his pocket and got down on one knee. It seemed so surreal. His figure became blurry as I started to cry- I knew what he was going to do.

"Cassandra, will you marry me?"

I was crying and knodding frantically, my voice suddenly missing as he put the most beautiful ring I've ever seen on my finger, grinning broadly. Finding my voice again, I shouted

"Yes, yes, yes!" and jumped into his arms, kissing him deeply. Everything felt surreal and too real all at once. It hit me all over again how much I love Joey, and I told him so.

Once the sun began to set we decided to walk back to our apartment, still hand in hand. Walking with the love of my life into the sunset, I realized that a chapter of both of our lives was ending, but our story was only beginning. 


Wow guys, it's been a while. A really long while. I'm sorry about that. 

Yes, it really is over. I left this story alone for a long time, simply because I didn't want it to ever end. I know that it had to be done eventually, however. 

I'm teary-eyed writing this. It's been a rocky ride, this story. Lot's of emotions it created for me. I just want to take this opportunity to thank you guys for your endless and continuous love and support. Even when I'm not frequently updating, I come on here and read your beautiful and encouraging comments and am overwhelmed with the love I have for you guys. I've been on Wattpad for a couple years now, and I've met some incredible people. Like Cassandra, my chapter is ending, but my story is only beginning.

I love you.

Nuclear Family {Green Day}Where stories live. Discover now