Chapter Twenty One

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Nuclear Family

Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues!

We ended the song with the piano, the class clapping and cheering. It was perfection. As we were standing up from the bench, Joey whispered in my ear "I love you."


My breath hitched in my throat. Joey just told me he loves me. LOVES me. Loves ME. LOVES ME. I melted. The class ended soon after our performance, and as soon as we exited the classroom, I shoved  Joey against the wall and kissed him. After a moment, I pulled away and whispered 

"I love you too."

The effect was instananeous. He grabbed me around the waist and spun me around, his face pressed against my neck. I squealed with delight. I've never seen him so happy in the time I've known him. He pulled me into his chest and held me there. I breathed in his sweet, comforting scent that I can only describe as Joey.

"What the actual fuck?!" A voice boomed behind us. I spun around, one of Joey's arms holding me protectively around the waist. 

"What the hell do you want, Brody?" Joey countered.

Brody ignored Joey and turned towards me, a look of pure disgust on his face.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" he shouted, gesturing at the arm Joey had around me.

"What are you talking about, Brody?" I asked, trying to remain calm. Why the hell is he butting into my business.

"You're practically siblings! This is like incest or something!"

Joey went to speak, but I cut him off.

"We're not siblings. We're not related. Why does it matter to you anyways?"

"Because it should be us together!"

"What are you even talking about?! We are never going to be together, Brody." I was getting angrier by the second.

"Right from day one, I've made it clear that I want you, and now you're with him." he said, emphasizing the word him.

"And I've made it clear that I don't want to be with you. Drop it, Brody."

Joey was shaking with anger beside me. I subtly caressed the hand that was on my waist, letting him know that Brody didn't deserve the satisfaction of him getting angry.

"I'm not going to just drop it- it's disgusting. I wonder how Billie Joe and Adrienne will take this news..." I knew the second he said it, Joey had snapped. Before I could stop him, he had smashed Brody against the far wall, the front of his shirt twisted into Joey's hand. Joey was just beginning to swing when I jumped on his back and grabbed his arm. 

"No! Joey, don't. He's not worth it. Just forget it."

He dropped his arm but didn't let go of Brody's shirt. I carefully got off his back and tried my best to squeeze between him and Brody, looking into his eyes. 

"He has no right to say anything about us!" Joey cried, silently pleading me to let him hit Brody.

"No, he doesn't. But once you hit him, you're being just as bad as him. Let it go. Please?" I gazed levelly at him, praying I could get him to comply. 

"Fine." he said, his voice filled with reluctance. 

"Thank you." I whispered, kissing his jawline. He sighed and let go of Brody's shirt. I grabbed his hand and we began walking away. 

"Looks like I can tell your parents your her bitch, Armstrong!" Brody called out, trying to get a final reaction from Joey.

I quickly tugged on Joey's hand, not wanting him to turn around and hit him. Luckily he complied and we walked out to the car. I'm glad I stopped him from hitting Brody- we're already going to have enough to deal with when we get home.


SORRY GUYS I MEANT TO FINISH THIS YESTERDAY. but i went out (shocker i know) and didnt get back until it was too late for updating. SORRRYYYYY 

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