Your future

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In high school you are going to reach this cross road called senior year. You don't know where you going to go but you just want success. In my senior year I was at a cross road of anxiety of not knowing what school I was going to, taking SAT and ACT. Also I stressed about money. But overtime I felt more confident. I applied for universities took my ACT and SAT. And also do my research.

Think about what you want to do after high school. Your future career and favorite hobbies.

Me personally I choose Psychology only of my favorite subjects in high school I love the science and being a helpful guide for my friends, family and also you guys. So I decided to be a psychiatrist.

Apply for your future. Do you want to protect your country? Go to the military. You want the college experience choose a university, if you want a job or a year off you can do that to.

Picking a university can be hard for some who don't know where they want to go.
Me personally I choose to go to an HBCU a historical black university college. I'm going to Bethune Cookman University this year. #Bcu20

You can also go to school in state. You want a big campus or small. PWI which is predominantly white university or Historically black College. Does the school have a high graduation rate. Does it have high success with your major. It is a lot going into picking a school also campus safety and safety history is a big deal into picking a university.

You can even go to technical

Sometimes you'll get random acceptance into some schools even when you never finish applying. Sometimes colleges will send you promising canidates and little advertising look into it take the opportunity.

Just pick whatever is the best for you do what makes you happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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