Strict (protective) parents

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Just know when it comes to parenting one of your parents will be more strict then the other. If you wanna know how strict ask both of your parents privatly when they feel like you should be old enough to date. You will hear diffrent answers cause I tried it.

Momma 15/16 pretty much high school.

Dad 18/20 but you can have guyfriends. But I don't wanna see you in any boys face. -_-

I'm team mama. But it really depends sometimes your parent give you reasonable curfews like mines could be 12,1,2 am and sometimes no cerfew. Cause I'm with my cousin. My dad is when I want to go outside I have to stay in the apartment class and always have to take my little brother with and comes home when a street light was on. My dad is more strict then my ma. Plus my ma and dad not together so they have different say so.

But your mom most likely is the parent that understands you. Cause she was you before you want to go to parties you wanna experience life and love on your own. But she'll do her best to make sure your on the right track. As long as your grades are good and you show her she can trust you.

Dad sometimes he still picture you as little girl and need to let it go.


If you don't allow them to do what ever they will find ways on their own.

Sometimes you gotta deal with it sometimes you can step up to them. Depends on how you feel. Me I do plan to step up to my dad one of these days. We are gonna sit down and just how I listen to him he gonna listen to me and hear every inch fully. Cause sometimes you don't even wanna be around that parent anymore. Cause I haven't been to my daddy house since early June and I wanted to be with my auntie. My mama made me go. And he didn't want me there. Cause the whole fam were gonna be in miami.

But for the ones who parents are both strict I don't really have nothing. I don't know any one with both strict parents I think they just have school boyfriends delete all their numbers text kik on their phones miss out or sneak to the parties only allowed to go to school parties. School and back. I don't really know but they counting on the day that they leave.

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