Chapter One

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*Perry James' Point Of View*

I felt my sack of few items grow heavy as a jogged away from Hell. My shoulder bruises hurt as the jawstring harshly weighed down on it. Grunts escaped my lips as I continued. I turned my head to see head lights coming. Which made me stop jogging, trying to look somewhat casual. As I took a deep breath I felt something hit my head. Then I fell to the ground.

*Hope Solo's Point of View*

The team bus was driving along, coming back from a nice team dinner. I stared out the window, watching the side of the street as the others talked. My eyelids grew heavy until I saw something that made me wake up. "Stop the bus." I said loudly

My best friend Carli looked at me with a confused look on her face. "Hope, are you OK?"

I felt the bus still moving, causing me to be loud once more. "Stop the bus!" Once I felt the bus come to a stop I rushed towards the front. My confused teammates telling me to stop, but I ignored them. "Open the door."

The bus driver quickly nodded before opening the door.

I gave him a nod before almost sprinting down the steps. Seeing the trail of blood made me sick, but I had to keep going. I followed the trail to see a man dragging a limp girl into ally by her legs. The man placed her down and began trying taking off her shirt. Feeling mad I made my,way over and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and looked surprised, probably not hearing me follow him. I balled my hand into a fist, punched his nose and kicked him in his groin. Causing him to shrink to the ground in pain.

"What the hell Solo?" Meghan said as she walked over to me. Looking at the two bodies. "Did you do this?"

"Only to the guy, now get on the bus and tell the driver to get to the nearest hospital." I said before picking the girl up bridal style.

Meghan shot me an unsure look, but she told the girls and they went quickly back to the bus.

As I walked a felt my pale pink shirt grow damp. And it could only be one thing. Blood. I quickened my pace, which got me to the bus faster.

The few that didn't get off were sitting with their mouths open. Looking at the girl and me. Instead of sitting in my usually seat I sat in the front.

"What's wrong with her?" Asked Morgan,  seeing the blood spot grow bigger.

I looked down at the girl before answering. "I don't know. All I saw was a man dragging her off."

Morgan nodded, watching the girl for the rest of the ride.

* Twenty-five Minutes Later *

I clutched the girl in my arms tight as the whole team followed me into the hospital. The ride over has to be one of the scariest moments in my life. I didn't want a teen to possibly die in my arms.

The front desk ladies looked confused as Jill jogged over. "We need to take her to the ER."

The ladies nodded and made an announcement over the speakers. I couldn't understand it since everything seemed like a blur. The next thing I knew the girl was taken from my arms. I watched them quickly wheel her off to do who knows what. As soon as the double doors shut I walked over to the lounge area.

I needed to sit down. As I sat I felt the coolness from the blood. It made a shiver go down my spine. I looked around to see Megan walk into the gift shop. What the hell Pinoe? I thought as I watched her.

"Hope, are you OK?" I heard Jill's voice ask me.

I quickly nodded before looking up at her. "Yeah, I'm fine."
Jill didn't seem to believe me. She looked at me with concern as she sat down next to me on my left.

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