Chapter Twenty-Five

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Perry finished her shower and got dressed. A few of the girls dragged her along on their morning run. It was fun, be she is certain she will be sore tomorrow. Perry used the towel to begin drying her hair. She heard the door open and shut.

It was Hope and Kelley. Both were sweaty from using the gym. "Hey Platypus." Kelley joked, taking a sip of her water bottle.

"Hey Hope, and Squirrel."

Kelley groaned, the nickname has already spread to Perry. "Very funny Platypus. Who told you?"

Perry had a cheeky smile on her lips. She paid me twenty bucks not to tell. The teen set the towel down on the foot of Hope's bed. "I'll give you a hint, she's a brunette."

She scoffed, setting her bottle down on the table. "That's like half of the team! Just an FYI, Hope is an honorary brunette. She's actually a blonde."

Perry glanced over at Hope, who was heading into the bathroom for a shower. "I can't see her as a blonde. Brunette Hope is the best Hope."

"Amen to that." Kelley said, sitting on Carli's bed. Despite being all sweaty. Then again they are leaving for another area after their next game. "So, you planning on playing soccer?"

The teen nodded, eager to start the process. "Yeah, I'm hoping to get into a club team, or school team. Maybe even both." Perry liked the thought of becoming a soccer player. It was appealing to her more than being a star tennis player. Tennis can always be a back up plan though.

"Good for you, I'm glad the sport is appealing to you. We believe you can do it if you put your mind to it and surround yourself with the right people."

"I think that is the most responsible thing I have ever heard you say Squirrel."

Kelly playfully rolled her eyes at Perry's use of "Squirrel". "Seriously, who told you to call me that already? If you tell me we'll go out to lunch!" She tried to look innocent as she did her best at trying to bribe the girl.

Perry shrugged, kind of liking the idea of a free meal with Kelley. "It may or may not have been Hope." She knew Kelley wouldn't do anything to Hope. The Irish girl is quite scared of the tall goalkeeper.

"Yea, I don't want to die. So, if you need me i'll be in my room annoying Cap. I'll text you the details later." Kelley grabbed her water bottle and quickly left the room.

*Three Hours Later*

(Perry's outfit)Perry exited the hotel room with card in her front pocket and phone in her hand

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(Perry's outfit)
Perry exited the hotel room with card in her front pocket and phone in her hand. She spotted Kelley and gave her a wave. "Hey Kels," she chirped.

Kelley chuckled as she walked over to Perry. "I may or may not have post a picture of you sleeping online." She gave the younger female a sly look.

She quickly opened her phone and looked at her new Instagram account. Sure enough a picture of her cuddling with Hope in her sleep was online. Perry shook her head as she turned her phone off. "I'll get a photo of you soon enough."

The woman shrugged as she snickered. "Don't feel too bad, I've also posted a picture of Tobin sleeping." She gave Perry a toothy grin. "We should take pictures on our way to the restaurant."

"That actually sound like a good idea Kelley. I'm impressed."

Kelley gave a nod as the automatic entrance/exit doors opened. "See, I'm not full of stupid ideas like everyone thinks. I just play dumb. I mean, you don't just get into Stanford for anything."

"I guess your right." Perry sheepishly rubbed her forearm. "Sorry if I was making fun of your intelligence."

"Eh, it's not the first time. Anyways, let's get to taking pictures!" Kelley shouted, much like a child would. The younger girl could only follow, just laughing her head off.

*After Meal, On Way Back To The Hotel*

Perry and Kelley had a fun time over all. Many pictures were taken, and many laughs were shared. "This has been really fun. Let me guess, your using this as a way to get away from the madness of the World Cup." The brunette joked, giving Kelley a prod in the gut.

Kelley shrugged after giving Perry a little push. "I guess you can say that. During tortuments I like to find ways to relax. For me being with friends is relaxing." She took in a sharp breath of the warm Canadian air. "There is so much pressure on us. If we don't win this, we'll be seen as failures. We can't go through that again."

Perry stayed quite as she focused her gaze on her feet. "I completely understand that. Over the what, week we've been here? It seems like it. Fans screaming your name, social media blowing up, it's crazy." She shoved her hands into her pockets. "I can only hope for the best."

She gave a nod as they walked into the hotel. "Or we can fight for it. Some people lost hope in us a long time ago. It's time to end this sixteen year drought and bring the trophy home." Kelley took out her room key as they neared their rooms.

"Goodnight, Squirrel."

"Goodnight Platypus."

Then they both went into their own rooms.

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