Chapter Eighteen

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*Perry's Point Of View*

My body slowly started waking up. Wait, how did I manage to fall a sleep? I thought, which freaked me out a bit. My body felt like jello, and only my ears could work.

"Where do you think she's from?" Asked a voice.

A heavy sigh happened before someone got a whack. "How the hell would I know?"

"Girls, can you please stop? If you wake her up, I'm sending you to coach." Said a third.

"Yes Sinc." Replied two voices at once.

My eyes opened without my command. I looked at them all. Oh Lord. Canwnt. I felt like I was almost in enemy territory. But I let that go, not wanting to freak out about it. "Why am I here?"

"Well, the three of us saw you running away from something. We were helping you until you passed out." Replied the woman who I immediately knew was Christie Sinclair. She gently pushed me up into a sitting position.

I gave her a nod as a thank you. My throat was dry causing me to start coughing. I saw a glass of water next to the bed and grabbed it. I didn't care whose it was.

"Um, where are you from?" Asked Erin McLeod.

I set the glass down and looked at her. "California." Then all gave me bizarre look. Almost as if I was a new life form.

Christie sat on the corner of the bed and looked at me. "How did you manage to get up here?"

My fingers twitched as I thought of Hope. Which lead me to think of Jerramy, that monster of a man. "'Cause my Mom is playing in the Women's World Cup." I closed my eyes as I used a mental image of her to calm myself down. "My Mom is Hope Solo."

Gasps left each of their lips. "OK, we need to get you back to her." Sophie Schmidt said, cracking her knuckles.

"But how?" Erin replied, glancing at me. "We have tight schedule, no one can make time to get her to them."

I reached in my pocket and expected to feel my phone. Thankfully it was still in there. But park of the screen was cracked. "Dang it." I mumbled. My messenger was full of worried texts from the girls. I then went to Facetime and clicked on Christie's name. She will definitely take this better than Hope was.

"What are you doing?" Sophie asked, looking over my shoulder.

"Calling my family."

*Christie's Point Of View*

I clicked on my facetime to see if my phone's notification was correct. And sure enough it was. It was Perry calling! "Perry, where are you?" The team crowded around me trying to see if it was really her. Hope was crying as Ashlyn hugged her. It was a pretty sat sight.

Her mouth opened to a huge, crooked toothed grin. "I'm with the Canadian Women's National Team."

Meghan pretty much grabbed my phone from me. "You daughter's of a bit-"

"They're help me!" Perry shouted. "They didn't take me or anything." She leaned in closer to her phone. Possibly trying to see who else was there. "Please, let me talk to Hope."

I took my phone from Meghan and walked back to Hope. "Its Perry." I whispered, then gave her forehead a gentle kiss. Sure Hope and I are different, but we have one thing in common. And that's caring for Perry.

Hope's read face gave way to a small smile. "Perry!" She cried, New tears dripping down her face. "Why didn't you come with us? I was worried out of my mind." Hope added, slowly turning into a blubbering mess.

Perry frowned as she looked at Hope. "I was running from Jerramy."

Meghan shouted, "That little zut (a.k.a the 'f bomb' in French)!" I turned around to look at her. She got many questioning looks. "I may or may no be looking at a list of French bad words…"

"I swear you are an overgrown two year old." Shannon gave her a flick.

Hope turned her attention back to Perry. "Why we're you running from him?"

"Because he pulled me into an alleyway. Then I bit his hand and ran." Perry replied, chewing on her fingernail.

"OK. I'll have a friend come to get you tomorrow. Stay put, and thank you Christine!" Hope said, voice still shaky and cracked.

Author's Note: Who may that friend be? Will Jerramy be put behind bars? Who knows unless you read! Don't forget to comment your thoughts and slap that vote star!

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