Chapter Thirty-Five

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Soon enough it became dinner time for the USWNT. Perry rode down in an elevator with Julie, Tobin, Ashlyn and Becky. Hope and Carli said they would be down in a few. The elevator dinged signalling they arrived to the dining hall.

"Someone looks happy." Commented Ashlyn, giving Perry a joking wink.

Perry gave a wink back as she laughed. "I am quite happy at the moment. Well, relived and happy. Relived more than anything." She rambled on, only to stop herself from rambling herself and Ashlyn to death.

Ash cocked her head she appeared to be quite confused. "What were you worried about in the first place?"

She gave a shrug. "I don't know. Oh, yeah, I have to tell you something."

"Go on." Ashlyn prompted.

"I'm gay." Perry drew out the y and shook her hands.

Ashlyn's face lit up. "Really?" She gave Perry's hair a long tussle. "That is so great!" The keeper swung her arm around the girl's neck and steered her.

Julie turned back to look at them. "You finally told her?" She questioned, slowing her pace so she could walk beside the duo.

Perry nodded. "Considering I really haven't done anything to deserve praise. Yeah, I came out to her Carli and hope." She replied, beaming.

JJ gave a wide smile. "Nice going Per. Now you just need to come out to the others. Trust me, it will be a breeze." She squeezed Perry's shoulder.

"Thanks Jules." Perry said in a quiet voice, one that only Julie could hear.

Perry shrugged off Ashlyn's shoulder and stepped in line to grab some food. She piled her plate with: ceaser salad, fruit salad, four california rolls and made herself, with the help of Julie, a banana protein shake. Perry had never tried or made a shake before, she was excited to taste it.

She set her place and cup down next to Julie's. Perry glanced over at the food table to see that Carli and Hope had finally arrived after being in their room for a bit.

The chair next to her squeaked from the weight of someone sitting down on it. She turned her head to see it was Kelley.

"Hey Squirrel," she greeted. Perry put her hand up for a high-five.

Kelley smirked as she high-fived Perry. "Sup Platypus."

Perry brought her shake up to her lips. It had a nice taste to it. The banana tasted great with strawberries in it. "Squirrel, I have news." She paused to make things slightly dramatic. "I'm the living enbodement of a rainbow."

Kelley appeared to be confused for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter. "Nice way to come out." She complimented, patting the brunette on the back.

She then proceeded to steal a slice of pineapple from Perry's plate. "But I already knew."

"Really? Do you have like a "gaydar" tucked somewhere in your brain?" Perry joked, swatting away Kelley's hand. The defender kept trying to steal another slice of fruit.

"Hahaha, no. It would be cool to have one though." Kelley commented. "I found the shirt you bought about being a lesbian. You really need to find a better way to hide your stuff. I am nosy by nature."

Perry just kind of facepalmed. She had totally forgotten about that shirt! The girl isn't even sure if she still has it. Like, she had never had the chance to put it on.

A clap rang out in the small conference room turned meal room. Shannon stood in at the front of the room.

What the hell? Boxxy is kind of scaring me.

"I have to get something off of my chest before I regret my decision." Shannon started, hand rubbing the back of her neck. "Since the World Cup roster was announced I have been questioning how much I can give to this team. This team has been my life since 2003, I never imagined I would be where I am standing today. To the 2003 me even playing in a game wad such an honor. It never occured to me then that I could make a living from playing the sport I hold near to my heart." The older player broke into a deep frown. She looked on the verge of tears.

"This has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have made so many friends and have so, so many memories. No matter if those memories were good or bad I will cherish them." Shannon's voice quivered as she spoke. It was then followed by the trickling of a few tears. She brought a hand up to her face and dried her cheeks. "I feel like it is time to step away from the pitch. I am ready for a new life. One where I will know if I will be getting paid the next day. A life where I can be a mother. One where I can watch my baby grow instead of watching from the sidelines. I don't want feel like I am being benched from her life."

Shannon broke down entirely. She sobbed into her hands, very worked up. Christie as well as Abby rushed forward to comfort her.

Perry stared down at her food, she lost her appetite. "Poor Shannon." She whispered to Kelley.

Kelley stayed quite. She was distressed at the meer thought of Boxxy leaving the team.

"After the World Cup I will retire from the game. If we win the finals and have victory route games, I will play those. If we get eliminated such will take effect immediately." Shannon continued.

Heather stood up and loudly clapped her hands together. One by one ladies were standing up and clapped for their beloved Boxxy.

Jill pushed forward with a cup in her hand. "Let's have a toast for Boxxy!"

Everyone sat down once more and grabbed a cup of her own.

"For Boxxy!" They cheered. It was a beautiful moment. That showed just how much love for each other the team possessed​.

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