Chapter Nine

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*Carli's Point of View*

I allowed the two in before closing the door and sitting on the couch. "I'll be right back." Perry said. She walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

I turned to Ashlyn, ready to ask my question. "Where did you two go?"

Ashlyn cracked her ankle before replying. "We went out to this Chicago styled pizza place called UNOs. Perry and I shared a cheese pan pizza, it was really good." She laughed afterwards.

It caused me to let out a little chuckle. "Where is Hope?" Ashlyn asked, repositioning herself on the bed.

"She's with Kelley." I said. It kind of hurt to say that. Hope hasn't been spending as much time with me as she used to. And I don't like that. But I wont interfere with her and Kelley's time.

I heard the toilet flush and the door open. Perry walked out, her now regular smile on her lips. "Perry, want to come to Aunt Carli's room?" I asked.

Perry laughed and nodded. "Sure, I haven't spent much time with Aunt Carli." She walked over to Ashlyn and gave her a hug. "Thank you for taking me to lunch."

"No problem! At the game tomorrow if we score I might shout out "This is for you Perry!"." Ashlyn said, hugging her back.

The teen laughed, her crooked teeth showing. "Bye Ash!" Perry said, walking over to me.

"Bye Per-Per!" Wow, that seems like a nickname Kling would come up with.

I stood up and walked over to the door and exited. With Perry right behind me.

"Who is your roommate?" She asked, picking up her pace to walk beside me.

"Christie Rampone." I answered, pulling out my room key. Once we got to my room I slid in the key and opened the door. I placed the key on the drawer.

Perry entered and closed the door. She just kind of awkwardly stood there.

"You can sit down." Came Christie's voice as she walked out of the bathroom.

She just kind of nodded and sat next to me on my bed.

I looked between the two and let out a small laugh. "So, Perry do you have a phone?"

Perry shook her head, taking her scandels off and putting them on the floor. "Nope."

I was a little shocked, most teenagers around her age have phones and such. I pulled out my own and turned it on. I pulled up Hope's texts and typed one of my own.



Hope, are you planning on getting Perry a phone?

Yeah, why?

Because. When are you planning on getting it?

When we get back to the states.

Can you possibly get her one today? I'm worried about her not being able to contact us in Canada.

Wow, I sound like a worried mother. But then again I would be like that with my own child too.

You are making me worry! I'll go out and get her one today.

Thanks. I think the other's are ready for her to get one too.

You mean like Kling blowing up her asking if she wants to hang out?

Exactly like that.

K, if you need me I'll be out with Kelley trying to find a phone store. But this is New York, we're bound to find one in a mile or two.


I placed my phone down next to me and watched the two talk. I guess my mind was so set on texting Hope that I wasn't listening.

"What are your daughter's names?" Perry asked, legs crossed on the bed.

"Riley and Reece. They're a lot younger than you though. So I might hire you to babysit." Christie chuckled.

Perry laughed along with her. "I actually wouldn't mind doing that. If you're ever in Washington or we're on the road I can do it."

"They'll have a cousin on the team. And that is so nice, usually their "aunts" take care of them. But I think they'll like you." The captain smiled.

I watched the two with a happy smile on my face. I'm just glad that she and the girls get along. I don't know what they or she would do if they didn't like each other. This is really going to be an odd Women's World Cup. Hopefully no one finds out about her.

Author's Note: Hey everyone, I'm hoping you had [or are having] a great day! Don't forget to slap that vote star and comment on thoughts and/or questions.


What should Perry's phone username be?

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