Chapter Thirty-Four

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The ride back to the hotel was interesting. Hope and Carli chatted away the whole time, seeming to forget all about the girl in the back. Perry didn't mind though, she loved Carli and she loved Hope. She secretly hoped they would get together. Who wouldn't want two mothers who are awesome women?

Once they arrived to the hotel Perry noticed it was a new one. Well no duh, after the Nigeria game they are going to a new venue. She placed her book bag on and walked in with the two.

They arrived at the front desk and got a room key for Perry. "Your room is connected to ours." Carli explained, steering Perry to the elevator.

"Why am I not staying in the same room as you guys?" Perry questioned, feeling slightly hurt that she would not be in the same room with them.

Hope ruffled her hair slightly, lightening the mood a bit. "Jill wants us to focus more, and she told us you can no longer be in the same room with us." She said, pressing the elevator button to go up.

Jill never took it into consideration if I wanted to sleep with them or not. She thought, a bit upset with the coach. Perry gave a nod and took the key card from Hope. The girl ran her thumb over the glossy surface of the card.

The elevator came to a holt and let out a loud ding. They stepped out and walked down the cool hallway. Perry felt at home again. She loved the warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach.

Hope stopped in front of the door Perry presumed to be her's.

"Here is your room. Ours is right next door, so if you need anything come and get us." Carli reminded her, comforting the girl slightly.

Perry gave a nod and slid the key through the card reader. She turned the handle and entered the room. It was cool, chilling her quickly. The brunette walked over to the first bed she saw and place her suit case.

"Thank you," she let out, still not facing the two women.

Hope gave a thoughtful smile. Carli answered with, "There really isn't a reason to thank us."

She grinned, turning around to face them. "I know."

*Forty-Five Minutes Later*

Sare Shaw

Dude, I have a plan - Perry

Sare Shaw - Is it one that will make you end up dead? I will not cover for you if that is the case.

It is not one of those plans - Perry

Sare Shaw - Oh, what is it then.

I'm planning on coming out to Hope. - Perry

Sare Shaw - So you are a lesbian?

Yes. Didn't I tell you? - Perry

Sare Shawn - Hm, I guess I was assuming right.

What? Ok, so should I do it regularly or in an outgoing way? - Perry

Sare Shaw - Nvm. I'm not the one coming out here, you decide how you want to do it.

True, true. - Perry

Sare Shaw - Text me how it goes, I have to write an article for my blog.

Okay! - Perry

Perry set her phone down and stared at the wall. I think the best way to come out would to just straight out say it. Maybe wear a little rainbow too... No, just talk. She finally decided that was the best way to go about it. Perry grabbed her key card and placed it into her back pocket.

She felt her stomach do flips and her throat grow lumpy. "You can do it. You have seen so many coming out videos." Perry mumbled, giving herself some comfort. "The worst thing she can do it send me to and orphanage because she doesn't want me..." She gave a shake of her head and exited the room.

With Hope and Carli's room being so close to her's, she only had to take a few steps to reach her destination. Perry was a bit weary about knocking, but she followed through.

Hope opened the door with a tired expression on her face. She must've just woken up from a nap. "Hey, come in."

"I can come back at another time if you want me to."

"No, you look like you have something important to say."

Damn, cover blown. No way to be casual about this now. "I actually do have something I want to tell you." Perry confessed, closing the door.

The woman sat down on her bed and gave Perry her full attention. "I'm listening."

She bit her lip awkwardly. "There has been something that only two people know about me. That being Julie and Sare." Perry balled her fists, digging her fingernails into the palms of her hands. "I am a lesbian."

Hope had a small wave of shock rush over her, then a smile came. She stood up and took Perry into her arms. "I still love you, okay?"

Perry nodded, so relieved she started crying. Hope loved and accepted her, even if she was different. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, Perry." Hope replied, giving her a squeeze.

As they were hugging Carli entered the room. "Did I miss something?" She inquired, confused about the tears and hugging.

With a happy, shaky voice Perry replied, "Gay, you missed my coming out." She sniffled, guessing Carli would have the same expression as Hope.

"Really? I am happy for you, Solo." Carli replied, ruffling Perry's hair a bit.

Hope pulled away from Perry. "So, do you have a girlfriend?" She asked in a joking voice.


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