Chapter Sixteen

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*Perry's Point Of View*

I waited outside of Ashlyn's room for her to appear. The two of us are touring the area. Mainly for quote on quote, "sister bonding time." Soon enough she came out all smiles.

"Hey Lil' Sis!" Ashlyn chirped, giving my nose a flick. "Ready to tour our area?" She took out her phone, a devious grin on her face.

"I guess? Ash, what are yo-" The flash on her phone went off. Which blinded me for a few seconds. I rubbed my eyes, giving her a glare. "Ash! What was that for?!" I slapped her arm.

"Ow! I just want to show the world your lovely face in the morning." The blonde replied, nudging me. "Crap, the world doesn't know about you yet. Damn you child!" Ashlyn huffed, she playfully shot me a glare.

I rolled my eyes, pushing the main door open. Thankfully U.S Soccer was able to book the whole team on the first floor. This time around Carli is Hope's roommate. And I'm pretty happy about it. Carli is actually really cool once you've talked to her on a three hour bus ride.

"I heard from a little birdy that you told Hope part of your origin story." She commented, trying to make small talk.

"Really? I thought that was just between Hope and me." I couldn't help but feel a little betrayed. Hope is supposed to be my "Mom". And "mother, daughter" talks are supposed to be kept private.

Ashlyn pulled me closer to her, draping an around around my shoulders. "Don't worry, Hope didn't tell me. I heard it from my walkie talkie. Two weeks ago I got walkie talkies for the whole team. And I guess Hope's was somehow on. Don't worry, I won't tell a soul."

"Good, I'm glad she didn't tell anybody."

Group Text - 15ers

Solo - I have a big problem.

Ali - What?????

Kling - Spill!!!!!!!!!!

MoeBean - B p8cent.

CheneyDog (Changed due to a dare from Syd) - I swear Morgan, I will rip that phone out of your hands.

MoeBean - Butt I'm in the tub!

Cheney - Who said that's gonna stop me?

MoeBean - O my God! I ear some1!

Cheney - I'm here Moe.

MoeBean - Tell Kling she is short 4 me!

Kling - Hey!

·Picture of a frantic (naked) Morgan covered in bubbles is running around the room·

CaptainAmerica - OK! That's enough! Let Hope continue.

Solo - Thank you Christie. I found out that Perry needs to go to court. And Jerramy knows about her.

Boxxy - How do you need us to help?

Solo - Well, just keep her away from him if possible. I don't want him to hurt her.

Solo - Wait. Who is she currently with????????!!!!!!!

Ashlyn stopped at the front desk to talk to the lady. It was something that I honestly don't care about. Sitting in the lounge I took out my phone and went onto . I wanted to look for a Hope Solo jersey to show my support for her.

"Well if it isn't Hope Solo's daughter." A deep voice said. I looked up to see a tall, African American man sneering at me. "And don't tell me your not her daughter. I've seen you two together." He looked at me up and down. "I don't see why she chose you."

"Sir, I know nothing of this "Hope Solo" woman. I must look like someone else." I managed to wheeze out. Honestly scared to death of him.

He leaned in, breath smelling of cigars. The man reached a hand out and scratched my cheek. Tears quickly sprung to my eyes. "Listen here, and listen good. You a pathetic, you are nothing, you are a waste of space. You will never be her daughter. She only chose you out of pity." He hissed, harshly scratching my cheek again. This time it drew blood.

With tears in my eyes I watched him leave. Never in my life have I ever met someone that I fear so much. I touched my cheek, drips of blood spilled onto it.

"Perry! Perry sweetie, are you alright?!" Hope's frantic voice called. She ran over and crouched down in front of me. Her blue eyes were wide, probably shocked at seeing a small bit of blood smeared on my cheek. "Who did this?"

I found no point in lying. It wouldn't help me and it wouldn't help her if I did. "A man came over and told me I was nothing. He told me I was chosen because you took pity on me." My breathing became ragged. And tears spilled from my eyes. "Then he scratched me twice on my face."

She kissed my forehead before looking over at Ashlyn. Who appeared to not know what was going on. "Thank you for telling me. He is a bad, bad man. One I need to kick out of my life. For good this time."

"Who is he?"

"He was was my husband, until two weeks ago when I divorced him. But, let's keep that under a ro-"

Two people gave me a huge hug. One that I was not expecting to receive. "We were so worried." Whispered Becky.

"Yeah," added Tobin.

Soon enough the whole team came out to see me. Christie also made it a rule that one person always has to be with me. After that incident, I'm glad she made that a rule.

Hope carried me back to her room. It seemed like she didn't want let let go. "You are an amazing child. Never think otherwise." She placed a kiss on my head before setting me down on her bed.

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