Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Shane was waiting for me in my driveway when Brenden and I walked over around noon. She had a rather large gift bag sitting next to her on my steps and she was looking very impatient. When she saw us coming, she got up and ran towards us, the gift bag swinging wildly. “It’s about time you showed up. I didn’t know you were staying at Bren’s house last night,” she said, handing me the bag. “I know it’s not much, but I hope you like it.”

More clothes. This time, a yellow cotton sundress. Halter. And matching yellow flip flops. “Thanks so much!” I exclaimed, grabbing her for a hug. “Come on in, I’ll show you what Brenden got me.”

“I’m gonna head home and let you spend some time with Shane, Lu,” Brenden said. I kissed him on the cheek and headed inside, Shane in tow. My parents were waiting in the kitchen with a small box and an envelope. Inside the box was a beautiful necklace. It was a white gold cross with emerald, matching the earrings from Brenden. The envelope held two plane tickets. To Hawaii.

“Ohmygod!” I yelled, jumping up and down. “Hawaii? Are you for real?” Two tickets to Hawaii. For the week after next.

“Yes, dear,” Mom replied. “Have a nice birthday.” She hugged me, and Dad followed. Shane followed me to my room, where I emptied the bag of Brenden’s presents.

“What are you doing the week after next?” I asked Shane, hoping to take her to Hawaii with me.

“We’re going to Daytona. Last minute vacation; you know how my parents are,” she replied. She didn’t sound too awfully happy about it.

“Aw! I was gonna take you to Hawaii with me. I guess I’ll take Brenden,” I said. “But I’m sure you’ll have a really fun time in Florida!” I smiled at her and we sat in silence.

“Well, I was just stopping in to give you your present. I need to get back home.” She stood up and started to head for the door. “I’ll text you later to talk about the party on Tuesday.” I told her goodbye and watched her walk down the stairs, bidding my parents farewell on her way out.

“Great choice on those tickets.” I took Brenden to the movies with the tickets he got me for my birthday. I was wearing the clothes he bought me, complete with the new underwear. Now we were walking to an ice cream shop down the street. “The movie was great.”

“Yeah, I tend to pick out some damn good movies,” he said, proudly.

“Modest, too,” I teased. We got our ice cream—both, vanilla—and sat on a bench on the sidewalk, his arm around my shoulders.

“Whatever.” He stuck his tongue out at me, and I kissed it. Shocked, he pulled back, smiling. “Let’s go home. You can stay at my house again.” I nodded and stood up from the bench. We raced to the car, which wasn’t easy while trying to eat ice cream so it didn’t get all over your hands. I beat him.

“Ha! I win again!” I exclaimed, getting in the car. He fake-scowled at me, earning a kiss. We joked and made small talk on the way home, and the ride went quickly. I ran in my house to change and tell my parents what was up, and joined Brenden back in his car. We slept in his bed that night, so we didn’t have to pull out the couch.

The alarm was buzzing. I hit Brenden, telling him to turn it off, even though I was closer. He reached over me and smacked it, glancing at the time. “Lu, it’s nine. You gotta wake up and take a shower so we can go to church.” I grumbled. “If you don’t hurry, we’ll have to share a shower,” he said, with fake-hopefulness in his voice.

“If we would have to shower together, I would walk home to shower alone,” I said in response. I was not a morning person. He pushed me off the bed, and I landed with a thud on my butt. “Ow! You asshole.” I got up, lightly smacked him, and left the room, grabbing my bag. He followed me out.

“Lu, come here.” I ignored him, pretending to be angry, and walked into the bathroom. He pulled me back out, spun me around, and kissed me full on the lips. “I’m sorry. Shower quickly.” He was sweet.

I finished my shower and wrapped my hair in a towel, searching my bag for the church clothes that I know I packed. I found a brown, strapless dress, coral-colored flip flops, and a chunky, coral-colored necklace.

When everyone was ready, we made our way to the vehicle. It was one of those big SUV type cars, but really stylish. No one really said anything on the way. I think we were all tired. But when we got to church, we put on our perky, happy faces and greeted everyone. Afterwards, I went home with my parents. Tomorrow was the last day of school. And I had to get ready.

Just before bed, I got a text message from Brenden.

Brenden: hey babe i got sumthin 4 u 2moro. another surprise

Courtney: u have dun so much already tho. u shouldnt do ne more

Brenden: i had 2. becuz i luv u baby

Courtney: i luv u 2. c u 2moro for skool

Brenden: im goin in early. shane takin u 2 skool. c u there. nite babe

Courtney: nite babe


A/N: Picture on side is Shane.

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