Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"Alright, Jay, you have about ten minutes to say what you need to say before I leave," I said, walking out from behind a very large, overgrown bush.

"Court. I'm surprised you came," he said, his face lighting up.

"Yeah, well, I'm here." I was getting annoyed already; and I had been there about thirty seconds. "Now get on with it."

He walked up to where I was standing and took my hand. I pulled back slightly before deciding to just leave it. Maybe it would make him go faster. I glanced up at his face. His eyes were happy, but his face held a very cold visage. I felt a twinge of fear, but buried it inside me, feeling like a 'Gryffindor'.

"Court, I really do love you. Will you come back to me? Just give me another chance. Please," he begged.

"Jackson," I sighed. "You and I both know I can't do that." I pulled my hand out of his and walked over to a bench, sitting down.

"Listen to me. I know what I did was wrong. I won't do it again. Give me a chance to prove myself," he said firmly, pacing in front of the bench.

"Don't you understand? You had your chance. You had plenty of chances. You know as well, if not better than I, how many times you pressured me into sex. And I still came back. Time after time. Those were your chances. You're out of them." I stood up and started to leave, but turned back around after going about two yards. "There are other girls out there, Jackson. Move on and find someone else. You deserve to be loved, you really do. I know you can be a nice guy. Just make sure you treat the next one right."

The next thing I knew, I was on my back on the ground, Jackson on top of me. "I don't want anyone else, Courtney. Why won't you understand?  I want you!" He leaned down and kissed me fiercely on the lips, crushing my wrist with so much force I heard a sharp crack. I bit his lip—hard—and he pulled away.

"Brenden!" I yelled while Jackson sat up, checking his lip for blood. He looked down at me, eyes wide open. When Brenden came running from out behind the bush, though, Jackson's eyes turned to slits, shooting daggers through my forehead, as I refused to look at him.

Brenden picked Jackson up off of me by his arms, tossing him aside. I rushed to stand up and get back behind the bush, holding my probably broken wrist. Brenden and Jackson rolled on the ground, throwing kicks and punches. When they finally broke apart, Jackson had a fat lip and black eye, as well as a gash on his cheek.  Brenden's nose was bleeding heavily, dripping blood everywhere.

I helped him take off his shirt, which was covered in blood, with my good hand and had him hold it up to his nose. "My mom's going to have a look at this a soon as we get to my house. I know you don't know much about her job. I don't really know all that much, even. But I do know that she's trained in a medical field, so she can probably tell us if it's broken. And I think it is," I said quietly, trying not to make him mad. “But I’m pretty sure my wrist is like shattered.”

"You're buckimg kiddimg be!" he yelled. Though, with his nose the way it was and the shirt up to his face, it was hard to tell what he had said.

"No, baby. I'm not," I said, pulling him along in an attempt to get to my house quicker.

"Well, it is broken. And I must insist the two of you go to the emergency room," my mother concluded after checking us over.

"Fucking shit!" Brenden exclaimed, rising up from the chair, holding his nose, and pacing the kitchen. "I better be able to play soccer in three days."

"It's just a broken nose. Not a broken leg," my mom said. "It will have to be the emergency room doctor who can clear you to play, but I don't think it should stop you from playing soccer."

"Damn right," Brenden said, wavering slightly. I held him steady the best I could. "I'm really fucking dizzy." I led him out to his parents' SUV and climbed in the back seat with him, holding an ice pack to my wrist.

“It’s broken,” the doctor said. Brenden rolled his eyes at him. “I’ll just tape it up, here.” And he did just that, after putting it back into place.

“Excuse me, Doctor,” Jo said. “As we were getting into the car, he said he felt really dizzy. Could that have something to do with all this?”

“There’s a good chance he’s low on blood. He did appear to have lost a lot. I can check and we can do an infusion if he really is low,” he replied.

“I hate needles,” Brenden said as we sat in the car on our way home from the hospital. We had been cleared to play soccer, but he would have to wear a safety helmet for about two weeks while he played and I had a bright orange cast, to be wrapped in foam while I played soccer. “They’re so nasty.” I kissed his cheek. “And now I have someone else’s blood in me. That’s gross, too.”

“Oh, calm down. At least you won’t be falling over all the time,” I said, laughing. He stuck his tongue out at me and turned away from me, looking out the window.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay, baby,” Brenden said as we pulled into my driveway. I leaned over to kiss him, careful not to hit his nose.

“Sleep good, and be careful with your nose, please,” I said as I pulled away from the kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. Good night. And please be careful of your arm.” I climbed out of the car and made my way to the house, listening as the car pulled out of my driveway and went off down the road. 

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