Chapter 5: "Take a Raincheck"

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"What about this?" Jordan asked, holding out a pair of black and blue leggings. I shook my head. "Something lighter."

He frowned and looked through the piles of clothes he had brought back, pulling out a dark grey skirt. "Is this better?" He asked, obviously growing impatient. I shrugged. "We are going ice skating.. But I can wear like, tights or something underneath."

Jordan nodded and hung it up on a rack we had brought back. He rummaged through the pile once again and pulled out a lighter grey sweater. "Oh this will go great, please wear it!" I sighed— it would look good. I nodded and he hung it up, then he put all the other clothes in a basket for the employees to take out.

"We should get a scarf, cause it'll be cold and stuff," he mumbled, looking around the store. I sat in the dressing room and raised an eyebrow. "Well, you go look for them, this is your vision, not mine." Jordan chewed on his bottom lip. "Yeah.. Okay, hold on." He hurried out and came back with a white infinity scarf, grinning. "When we walked in I saw this and knew I had to have it- er, for you, of course!" He beamed, handing it to me. I nodded and rubbed my forehead.

"We've been here for like five hours, can we go now?" I whined, pouting. He sighed. "Those boots you have will go good with it.. Yeah. We can leave now." I let out a sigh of relief and picked up the clothes, bringing them to check out.

"Will this be all?" The worker asked, bored. I nodded and she tapped on her keyboard. "That'll be $53.20" she said, chewing on her gum loudly. I swiped the credit card and put in my moms pin. She handed me a receipt and bagged my clothes, giving Jordan and I a tight smile. "Come back soon," she called. I smiled at her as I left but rolled my eyes when I looked away.

Jordan snickered. "Someone's not very happy." I frowned. "She was rude! She could've at least tried to be polite!" He nodded. "True, true. Anyways, we have to go back to your house and-" "Whose we? I'm going home by myself, I'm dropping you off." Jordan sighed. "Someone's in a piss ass mood." I shrugged. "Whatever. Take the bus, I'm not taking you home."

Jordan let out a huff before turning on his heel and storming down the street. I smirked and sat down in my mom's car, getting ready to drive back to my house. My phone binged and I saw a text from Michael.

M: Can't make it tomorrow, rain check?

I sighed. This would be one of the first real dates I had, and Michael couldn't make it. Great. Well nonetheless, I was still going iceskating. I could have fun by myself. I drove back to my place in silence, wiping a few tears that dropped from my eyes.

I sniffled once and got out of the car, bringing my bags with me. I walked in and threw the keys on the table, slamming the front door. My mom looked up. "Hunny what happened?" She asked, looking concerned. I shook my head. "It's nothing," I said quietly, running up to my room.

I threw my bags on the floor and jumped on my bed, stuffing my face in my pillow. I was so excited for tomorrow, but now I had no one to be with. Sighing, I pulled my phone out. It had several messages from Michael.

M: You okay?

M: I'm sorry..

M: I was lying about not being able to make it, okay? I was just nervous and decided to cancel. We can still go if you want.

The last text made my heart feel better. He wasn't ditching me, he was just nervous.. I smiled slightly and texted back.

L: Yeah, it's not like I cleared my schedule just to go out with you (sarcasm)

M: Oh, I'm sorry. I mean I'll just go by myself then..

L: No no, I have to go with you. Plus I was actually looking forward to it.

M: Oh nice. Okay, I'm still picking you up at six.

L: I'll be ready by then.

I turned off my phone. Okay, maybe it wasn't so bad after all. I stretched and pulled my clothes out of their bag, hanging them off my closet door. I realized that without Jordan, I wouldn't have had these clothes. I felt bad and immediately called him.

"Hello?" He asked, rather irritated. I sighed. "Jordan, I'm sorry for being such a bitch earlier. How can I make it up to you?" The line went silent for a few moments before he answered, "Tomorrow." I rolled my eyes. "Tomorrow what?" Jordan giggled a little. "Tomorrow, I want to spend the day with you until your date starts. Deal?" I grinned. "Deal. Again, I'm sorry." "Don't sweat it," he replied. I hung up and set my phone on my dresser. I stared at myself in the mirror. My dried up, frizzy brown hair fell down to my shoulders. I sighed and picked up a strand. What am I going to do with this? I decided to take a shower and use that special shampoo my mom bought, maybe that would help.

"I have a call for you!" My mom called up the stairs. That was weird, why didn't that person just call my cell phone? Shrugging, I went downstairs and took the home phone from my mother.

"Hello?" I answered, biting my lip. Calum answered on the other line. "Sweetheart hi! So I heard you're going on a date with Michael tomorrow, but I'm here to take you away from that. Luke was gonna ask you out but I'm doing it for him. Do you wanna go to dinner with him?" He asked cheerily.

My heart twisted. I felt bad for the poor kid, Luke wanted me to ditch Calum, and now Michael. I frowned. "Sorry Calum, but I'm going out with Michael. I promised." Calum whimpered. "Pwease?" I laughed slightly. "Tell Luke to take a raincheck." I clicked end call and my mom raised an eyebrow at me.

"Why are boys calling our house phone?" She asked. I shrugged. "I made some friends at school. No big deal I guess." Mom shook her head and took the phone, setting it back in the holder. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran upstairs into the bathroom.

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