Chapter 9: "Forever? Forever."

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I couldn't stop my craving for blood.

I didn't tell anybody except for Jordan, but he didn't really look into the bad side of things. He thought it was all glamorous, but it wasn't. At least, not for the first two weeks.

I had no idea how to curve my cravings. They would just hit me in random times of the day. So, I went to someone for help.

"Pick up please.." I whispered, looking up at the ceiling. A groggy voice answered. I wasn't surprised, it was like 5 am. "Lori?" He asked, obviously surprised I decided to call him. "H-hi.. Um.. Can you come over please..."

I heard some shuffling before I got a reply. "Uhhhh.. Yeah, give me like five minutes." I sighed and hung up, sitting on my bed.

I was so distraught I didn't even know what I was wearing. Looking down, I realized I was only wearing a sweatshirt. It was too big for me, so I assumed it was my brother Josh's. He went off to play with one of his friends in a band, and I didn't blame him. This town had nothing for him.

There was a tap on my window and I looked over, seeing Luke. I opened it and he floated in, landing on my carpet silently. He looked me up and down, raising an eyebrow.

"Vampire troubles?" He asked. I nodded. "I just.. Don't know how to even get blood or.." He cut me off by throwing me an apple. I looked up at him in confusion.

"What would an apple do?" I asked, looking it over. He shrugged. "You don't necessarily need blood," he explained, crossing the room to sit on my bed. "You just need the color red in your system. It might not be as fulfilling as blood, but you'll get used to it. And uh, just plain meat will work too. It doesn't have to be raw but I prefer it that way."

I smiled gratefully at him and sunk my small fangs in the apple, watching in amazement as I sucked the color right out of it, leaving it a dead-looking grey.

"Do strawberries work?" I asked, tossing the apple in the trash. Luke shrugged. "Not for me, but since you're smaller.. They should be fine." I grinned and threw my arms around him. "Thank you." I mumbled into his chest. He hugged back slowly. "I uh, you're welcome." He said, coughing. I pulled away and sat back on the bed. "You wanna watch a movie?" I asked. He perked up. "A movie?" I nodded. "A movie."

About ten minutes later, Luke and I were snuggled on the couch together, watching The Fault in Our Stars. Calum was right, it was definitely a tear jerker.

"L-Lori," Luke choked out, looking at me with tear stained cheeks and watery eyes. "Hmm?"

He pulled me closer. "What can be our always?" He asked, whimpering. I shrugged. "Forever." Luke leaned on me, wiping his eyes. "I like that.. Forever?" I nodded. "Forever."

He ended up falling asleep on me, which I didn't necessarily mind. A ringtone sounded from the side table.

I walk an empty street, on the boulevard of broken dreams. Where the city sleeps, and I'm the only one and I walk alone.

I admired Luke's song of choice and picked up the phone, recognizing Michael's face on the screen. The contact name said "Assface 💕" and I couldn't help but laugh a little. Careful not to wake Luke up, I stood up and walked over to the steps. I pressed answer and immediately heard Michaels voice.

"Thank fucking god you answered Luke. Listen, Ashton is missing. Rose and Yano are looking everywhere for him but they came back empty handed. I don't know where you are but we seriously need your help."

I cleared my throat. "I uh, this is Lori." The line was silent for a few seconds. "Lori? What are you doing with Luke's phone.. Well never mind that, Ashton is missing. No one knows where he went off to. Have you seen him?"

I thought back to the previous night, when Ashton intruded into my house. "I uh, no, not since Friday." Michael sighed. "Well if you see anything of his or something call me, preferably from your cell. Tell Luke he's gone too."

I made a mental note and hung up, going over to Luke. He was wide awake now, raising an eyebrow at me. "What was that all about?" He asked, eyeing the phone in my hands. I sighed.

"There's no easy way to say this.."

"Just spit it out, Lori.."

"I uh.."


"Okay, okay! Ashton, he's missing."


Hey guys! Sorry for that super short chapter, but there's been a lot going on lately. (I missed the 5sos concert for July 2nd and cried my eyeballs out) So I mean I've been writing a lot but I've been really sad and yeah..

But what did you think about Ashton going missing? What do you think happened, and do you think he's gonna come back? Who are Yano and Rose?

-Liz xx

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