Chapter 17: "I'm a Vampire Too, Fuckface."

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Luke looked piss drunk. He could barely stand up and any of his sentences were gibberish.

"Lor-hic-iiiiii?" He whined, confused. I sat down next to him on Mike's bed. "Yeah? What do you need?"

"I miss youuuu..." He pouted, eyes closed. I sighed. "Lukey Im right here." He put his arms out and hugged me gently. Boy was I glad Michael wasn't around to see this. "No," He hiccuped. "No, y-you're gonna leave me.. For him..." He sobbed. I frowned. "Now why would I do that?"

Suddenly Luke detached himself from me, lying back down. "I-I dont know." His blue eyes opened slightly and he looked up at me, squinting. "You're pretty."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Thank you, Luke. You're pretty too." He smiled sleepily and spread his arms out, one of them finding my thigh. He immediately retracted it and looked up at me, eyes wide and face crimson red. "I-Im sorry Lori, I was just happy and I-"

I put my hand over his mouth. "Shh, its okay. Dont worry about it." He nodded and closed his eyes again, rolling over and staying quiet for a while. I knew he wasnt sleeping, because he usually snores when he's really sleeping. He suddenly spoke up.

"Lori, do you love me?" He asked, his voice small and fragile. My face heated up as I looked over to him. He was still facing the wall, probably too embarassed to look at me. "Oh, of course I love you Luke. You're one of my best friends!"

He turned around to face me. "Do you love me like you love Michael?" His eyes were sad and broken, like he had lost something. My heart shattered at his face.

"I- Luke, you know I-"

I was cut off by him bawling.

"Lori, Lori I should of told you! Im in love with you- I have been for such a long time, Im sorry I didnt tell you Mikey just swept you away from me but right now you could be mine and-" He teared up again and cried loudly, burying his head into the pillow. His cries were slightly less loud.

"Im sorry," He sobbed.

I cautiously put a hand on his back. "Its- Its okay, Luke. Im.. Im sorry you went through that. Is that why you went drinking?"

Luke flipped his head so he could look at me. "I only had a few drinks, Im mostly just... sad..."

My eyes widened. That explained why I couldn't really smell any alcohol on him. He looked at me with wide blue eyes, almost like a puppy. I blinked away the tears that were forming in my eyes. "Im sorry," I whispered, getting up. "Im so sorry."

I stumbled away from the bed and out onto the balcony, anything to get away from Luke. I ended up backing away too far though, and-

I tripped.

Convieniently forgetting I had any special abilities, I fell, and fell, until I thought I would never reach the bottom.

And I didnt.

"Lori! What are you doing?!"

I looked up into the familiar hazel eyes. Worry laced them, along with.. something else.

"I um, falling for you, haha." I made an attempt at a joke and he giggled, floating to the ground. He suddenly became stern again. "Well stop it. You could've hurt yourself. Michael picked me up after he said that Luke was messed up. How is he by the way?"

I looked down at the ground. "Uh, he's fine. But maybe we should go.. check on him?" I suggested awkwardly. Ashton shrugged and walked inside after Michael. I followed slowly behind.

As we ascended up the stairs, I could hear Luke and Michael shouting at each other. I hurried my pace and as I got to the door, Michael whipped around, face red.

"What the fuck did he say to you?!" He demanded. My eyes widened. "What do you mean?" I asked innocently. He rolled his eyes. "Don't play dumb, Lori. What did dumbass say to you?"

"Hey! Im not-" Luke started to protest but Ashton cut him off. I smiled weakly at him and he smiled back. I switched my attention back to Michael. "He um, he said he loved me. He said he had.. all along.." I confessed quietly. Michael turned to Luke. "Is this true?"

"I dont know what you're talking about."

"I'm not an idiot," Michael spat, crossing the room. "I know what you said, Lori wouldn't lie to me."

"She did this time, she's delusional. she-"



I looked to them cautiously; the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Whatever. Get him out of here Ashton. Tell Yano and Rose that he's demoted as leader until further notice."

Ashton did a weird salute thing with his hands (sort of like a V) and picked up Luke effortlessly. He smiled sympathetically to me and flew out.


I looked over to Michael. He was sitting on the bed, staring at the floor. "Lori, what am I supposed to do?" He asked quietly. "I dont know how to rule over our clan. I dont know how to control them."

I made my way over to Michael. "What do you mean, Mikey?" I asked, confused. He looked over to me slowly. "I have to rule over 5,000 vampires." My eyes widened. "Five thousand? But I thought it was just you few in the clan?" Michael shook his head. "We're part of the clan. The clan itself is called Fang. The parts, or tribes, if you will, have 5-10 people in them."

I nodded, taking all of the information in. "So, who all is in this clan?" I asked, tilting my head. Michael sighed. "There are two factions; The Elders and The Youth. In America, there are 5,000 in The Young. In the world, about 100,000. I now only lead a small fraction, but if The Elders wish, I could lead more countries. Don't you see; I can't do that! That's Luke's job!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Then just make him leader again?" I suggested. Michael shook his head. "I can't. Not while he tried to mind control me. He might just be drunk, but you can't be too sure. Anyways, every tribe is meeting, every, one, in two weeks. If he hasn't changed his ways by then, I'll have to go as leader of our tribe and the faction."

I frowned. "This seems like a problem." Michael nodded. "Well, more for you than me. You're first lady."

I groaned and flopped back on his bed. "Well call me Michelle."

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