Chapter 8: "Don't Throw Things"

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I honestly can't believe Michael.

He took my chance! Once you bite somebody and turn them into a vampire, they become basically your soul mate. I wanted Lori to trust me, but now she wouldn't because Michael was the one that bit her. Not me.

I wish I would've had a taste of that blood, though. AB- can really do things to you.

Once we were inside, Michael set Lori on the couch. We all sat in various places around the room when we heard a car door slam. Michael looked at all of us in alarm and I went invisible, standing near the doorway. Calum and Ashton did the same, standing out of the way.

The door swung open and Lori's mom stood there, purse in her arm. She ran over to Lori. "Oh my baby what happened?!" She asked, checking over her daughter worriedly. Michael shook his head. "She passed out, but I brought her back here because I knew you told her to be back by a certain time. I didn't try anything with her, honest."

Lori's mother gave him a look of pure hatred. "Thank you for bringing her back, but I would appreciate if you left my house now," she said icily. Michael nodded and stood up. "I'm sorry, once again." Lori's mother rolled her eyes. "Just get out of my house."

He quickly made his way over to the door and I shuffled out behind him, as did Calum and Ashton. He shut the door and we all went to the driveway.

"What now?!" Ashton asked, narrowing his eyes. Michael shook his head. "Look, we'll talk about this later. For now, go home and forget about tonight." Calum nodded and we all piled in his car before going back to his place.


I blinked open my eyes slowly. My mother's figure came into view, hovering over me. I sat up slightly and looked around. I was in my room. 

"Did you seriously carry me up here?" I asked, looking at Mom. She nodded. "You actually were really light. Anyways, now that you're up, I'm gonna go back to my room. But you are not allowed to leave this house, do you hear me?"

I nodded and she smiled, kissing my head. "I love you sweetie," she called as she left my room. I sighed. "I love you too."

She closed my door and I was officially stuck in my house until school started tomorrow. My phone rang on the bed and I looked at the caller ID, it was Michael.

I groaned, remembering the events from last night. I answered reluctantly.

"Hello?" I heard an exhale on the other line. "Thank god you answered. Look, I'm so sorry about last night. The guys they.. They would've bitten you, and that would've been heartbreaking for me." Michael explained quickly. I shook my head. "Look, Michael I-"

Suddenly my heart beat faster, and I felt an urge to just smother him in kisses and do... things to him... wait, what?

"Lori? You okay?" He asked, concerned. I steadied my breathing. "I uh.. Yeah.. Does that bite have any side affects? Other than becoming a vampire, of course." Michael was silent for a few moments before answering.

"When you first get bitten, the next couple weeks are a whirlpool of emotions," he said nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes. "Continue?"

He cleared his throat. "Well, I uh, you feel a rather strong connection to the person who bit you.. And you may be bipolar about those feelings for a while but you'll eventually sort them out. When I was bitten, it was my dad who bit me, so, you know."

I sighed. That explained the really sudden and strong feelings for him then. "Well, thanks. I'll call you later." I hung up before he could say another word.

I lay back in my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I couldn't get Michael out of my head. He just seemed like the perfect guy and, I had to admit, it wasn't just his looks. He bit me because he wanted me to feel this way about him.. Right?

I decided to call Jordan. He would know how to help. Plus, Mom didn't say other people couldn't come over.

On the third ring, Jordan picked up. "OH EM GEE hey gurl! You absolutely have to tell me about last night!" I laughed. "Come over and we can talk over some ice cream and Netflix." Jordan gasped. "Oh you know just what I like. Alright, let me get my pink Snuggie, cause I already know we are watching Mean Girls for the fifth time!"

I laughed again and hung up, deciding to go downstairs. I made myself a bowl of chips and brought the tub of vanilla ice cream out with two spoons. I also grabbed my pink Snuggie (Jordan and I got matching ones when we were 13) and bunny slippers. After that I was set, and Jordan was already at my house.

"Oh my god okay you already have the icecream out I really taught you well my dear child," he cried, running over to me. I laughed. "Okay, anyways, tell me all about last night. Every. Single. Bit."

So I spent the next hour telling Jordan about how my date went with Michael, and of course even the bit about being a vampire.

"You are not a vampire, I don't believe it!" He said, shaking his head. I pulled my Snuggie down to reveal two fresh bite marks. Jordan gasped. "Oh my god you are a vampire! This is gonna be all over Snapchat okay lemme get my phone.."

I slapped Jordan's phone out of his hand before I even knew what was happening. He huffed. "You could've just told me not to do it, Jesus." I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry.. Anyways, how about we watch Mean Girls now?" Jordan clapped and I turned it on, going out into the kitchen to get more chips.

As I was pouring the chips, I felt someone's arms slip around my waist. I sighed. "Michael stop being invisible, I know you're there." I heard a giggle.

"It's not Michael, Lori." A voice said. I looked back and realized it was Ashton. I screamed and threw the chip bowl at him. "What are you doing here?" I hissed, narrowing my eyes. Ashton shrugged. "Okay, first of all, don't throw things. Second of all, your mom never said I couldn't come over here. She just doesn't seem very fond of Michael."

I raised and eyebrow and crossed my arms. "I'm sure she wouldn't want any of you over here. Anyways, keep it down before-" "IS THIS YOUR VAMPIRE BOYFRIEND?!" Jordan screeched like a banshee, running over to Ashton and grabbing onto his bicep. "Oh my Lordy he is so muscly!"

Ashton pushed him off slightly. "Lori, my gaydar is going off the charts." I laughed. "It's pretty on point, I gotta say."

Jordan put his hands on his hips. "What's that supposed to mean, Lori? Do I act really gay?" He blinked a couple times before breaking out into a grin. "You are so right. Okay, continue with your vampire biz. I'm gonna watch Regina George get hit by a bus!" I rolled my eyes as he left.

"ANYWAYS, Ashton, seriously, why are you here?" I asked, looking over to the curly haired vampire. He shrugged. "I was planning on taking that weirdo's blood," he said, pointing a thumb to Jordan. "But, I figured that would be rude if I took it and didn't even say hi. That wasn't the only reason though. Calum and Luke are really mad about Michael biting you. And uh, our other friends, too."

I sighed. "Well whatever. What's your stance on the whole thing?" Ashton shrugged. "I couldn't care less about the 'whole thing'. But anyways, I'm gonna head out. See ya babe." He gave me a quick peck on the cheek- a friendly one I suppose -and in a blink of an eye, he was gone.

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