Chapter 7: "The Boyfriend Stuff"

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Of course, I did what any normal person would when a boy says he wants your blood.

I screamed.

"No no shut up, shut up!" Michael yelled, covering my mouth. I considered biting him but decided against it— he would probably kill me.

"It hurts less as time goes on," he says, tracing circles on my neck. "But I just want to say, we want your blood because it's rare. It's AB-, and we would be the biggest vampires in our community. Don't you see? We need you."

I sighed. "Michael.. I just.. Was this date all to get me to give you blood?" Michael winced. "You make me sound like such a bad guy.. I mean, at first, it was but.. I've grown to actually really like you."

I frowned. "I mean, I guess, if it makes you happy.." Michael nodded and smiled. "It would." He began to lower his fangs onto my neck, but I quickly grabbed a pair of tweezers on my dresser and pushed it into his side. His hands flew to where I penetrated him and he looked at me, eyes wide. I threw him on the bed, grabbing some rope I had stored in my closet from when I was in Girl Scouts. I tied his arms to the post of my bed. He glared up at me.

"You think this will stop me?" He sneered. "I have super strength, if you didn't know." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. But you won't leave, because you want me."

Michael kept his poker face for a few moments before finally letting his head hang. "You're right." I smirked. "Now, do you want that tweezer out?" I asked, eyeing where I had stabbed him. He rolled his eyes. "No, I wanted it stuck in my side. Yes take the fucking thing out, my god."

I chuckled and pulled it out, watching in amazement as the wound healed rather quickly. I set the bloody object on my dresser again and sat in front of Michael.

"So you want my blood, but you also like me. Why would you do that to someone you care about?" I asked, looking down at my fingers. Michael sighed. "I don't know, Lori. It's just that your blood is important. I don't want to hurt you, but I also don't want that blood to go to waste. We need you, Lori."

I frowned. "You need my blood, not me. I thought we've been over this." Michael let out another exasperated sigh. "You know what, I don't want to argue, okay? I like you, and I want you to be mine, but with the guys only wanting your blood, what am I supposed to do? Declare my love and let them starve?"

I nodded vigorously. "Yes, actually! I don't want to be fucking eaten alive!" Michael rolled his eyes. "Would you rather have one of us turn you into a vampire then?" He asked, sending me a questioning look. I shrugged. "I don't care. You can turn me into a fairy and I wouldn't give a shit."

Michael laughed. "That's actually a much more difficult process." He explained. I couldn't care less about how to become a fairy, so I cut him off there.

"Alright, I'll let you take my blood. But on one condition," I said, not really knowing what the condition was. Michael looked at me hopefully. "I'll do anything, you name it."

I thought for a few moments before finally deciding. "You have to protect me," I said simply. Michael laughed. "I can do that. That's what boyfriends do."

Quickly realizing what he said, Michael struggled to correct it. "I mean, not that I want to be your boyfriend. Only if you wanted, or I mean, if you do I wouldn't mind, because I like you a lot and stuff-" I rolled my eyes and interjected. "I just mean to protect me. Hold off on the boyfriend stuff for right now."

In reality, I actually really wanted him to be my boyfriend, and him mentioning the thought made my heart soar. Not literally, but it really felt like that.

Michael sighed and tugged at his binds. "Can you let me go yet?" He asked, frowning. I shook my head. "I want you to bring the rest of the boys over here." He raised an eyebrow. "What about your mom?" I shrugged. "She's not home. She would've noticed if you were here." He nodded in understanding and I pulled out my phone. "What are their numbers?"

After a long process, I finally called Calum's cell. "Hi Calum," Michael said, looking up at me. "Yeah, no, the date went alright. No I didn't get her blood, shut up!" He shook his head. "Look I'm having some er, troubles with my car, can you help me fix it?" He chewed on his bottom lip. "Oh uh bring Ashton and Luke too- what do you mean Luke's mad at me? I don't give a shit, get him over here! Okay thanks, bye." I pressed end call and he glared. "Going on that date probably caused my friendship with Luke, thanks a lot."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "You were the one who asked me on the stupid date." I heard a car door slam and went to untie Michael. "You're gonna do as I say, right?" Michael shrugged. "Looks like I have to." I nodded and yanked him up, sending him towards the door. He glared at me and I simply smiled, pushing him out.

We made our way outside and met Luke, Ashton, and Calum in my driveway.


I let Lori lead me outside, and as soon as I saw Calum, I have him "the look." He nodded and leaned against my truck. "So uh, what's wrong with it?" He asked, patting the hood. I shrugged, looking over at Lori.

"Oh, I don't know. Something with the brakes?" She answered, raising an eyebrow. I nodded. "Yeah yeah, the brakes are messed up, can you have a look at them?" Calum sighed. "Yeah, let me get my tools," he started to walk towards his car but quickly turned and soon he had Lori in his grip. She struggled to get free but he wouldn't budge.

"We won't hurt you if you don't hurt us. Deal?" Calum asked calmly. Lori thrashed and kicked, but to no avail. "No! You're lying, you sick fuck!" Calum chuckled. "Okay, whatever. Luke, will you do the honors?" Luke looked up, rather disinterested, and pointed to himself. Calum rolled his eyes. "No, I mean Luke Skywalker. Yes you, come here and bite this bitch."

Lori shook her head and screamed some vulgar words- words that I thought only sailors said. Calum had no trouble at all putting his hand over her mouth.

As Luke got closer, I figured I had to save her. I quickly stepped forward and pushed Luke back into Ashton. Ashton caught him but fell backwards. Both now on the ground, I turned on Calum. "I uh, if anyone is going to bite her, it's gonna be me." I said lowly. Calum narrowed his eyes but nodded, moving his arm slightly, I leaned in closer and whispered "I'm sorry," before sinking my teeth into her jugular vein, sucking out the blood and injecting my own. She yelped out in pain for a bit before going numb and sinking to the ground. She lay there, passed out, and I picked her up.

"I'm so so sorry," I murmured, holding her close. She was unconscious, so she couldn't answer, but I held on tight to her nonetheless. The guys all gave me weird looks.

"Don't tell me you actually care about her," Calum groaned, putting his face in his hands. I nodded shyly and looked down. "She's actually really cool." Ashton snorted. "She can't even run twelve laps on the track."

I glared over at him. "Well now that she's a vampire, she won't have that problem! And which one of you were at the iceskating rink? People were screaming and shit."

Luke sighed. "I was the one attacking everyone, my bad." I huffed. "Yeah your bad! She almost found out before I could explain!" Luke rubbed the back of his neck. "I said I was sorry, geez."

I sighed. "Well let's take her inside instead of standing out here."

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