Chapter 19: "All I Need"

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I woke up to someone shaking me. "Lori, Lori, it's time to get up." I rubbed my eyes and looked up, seeing Calum. "Huh.. Where's Luke?" I asked, looking around. Calum smiled. "He's making breakfast. I figured I'd wake you up before it was done. I'll let you get dressed." Calum walked out and closed the door softly behind him. I rubbed my eyes, remembering where I was. For some reason, Luke had brought me to this gorgeous house. It was huge, and my room was everything I ever wanted. Of course, I had assumed it was because he wanted to make up for his love confession, but I wasn't sure.

I shook my head and got up, crossing my room to the large closet. I looked around and found some really cool sweaters and graphic tees— some of my favorite stuff to wear. I decided to pull on a black-knit jumper and grey leggings, completing the look with black Vans. I brushed out my hair quickly and made my way downstairs, cinnamon wafting into my nose. I entered the kitchen and saw Luke at the oven, crouched down. He was staring intently at something inside. I decided to crouch next to him. "So, what'cha makin'?" I asked.

Luke jumped back, startled. "Oh fu- Lori! You scared me!" I cracked a smile. "Sorry Luke. But seriously, what are you making? It smells delicious." Luke smiled at me and a buzzer alarmed. He turned it off and opened the oven (bare handed, even I couldn't do that.) and revealed a tray of muffins. "They're cinnamon apple. I made them myself." I reached for one but he hit my hand, making me retract it. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Do you know nothing about baking? Wait until they're cooled!" I rubbed my hand and pouted at him. "But Luuuuuke.. I want one nowww!"

Suddenly, a muffin disappeared from the tray. I glared at the tray and suddenly there was a warm kiss on my neck. "Hey babe," Michael whispered, wrapping his arms around me. I gasped and flung myself into him. "Mikey I missed you so much!" I squealed. I heard Luke laugh. "Awe, so cute. But Miiiike, you totally ruined my lesson on baking!" Luke pouted and Mikey smirked. "Well maybe you should stick it up your ass, since that's where your head always is."

I gasped and hit his chest, jaw dropped. "Michael Gordon Clifford, don't be so rude to Luke!" Michael rolled his eyes. "Babe, he loves me. Right Luke?" I looked over and he nodded slowly, still pouting. "Yeah.. but only 'cause Lori's nice to me." I giggled and stuck out my tongue at Michael. "Ha." Michael shook his head. "It doesn't matter, all I need is your love."

I shrugged. "If you say so Mikey." He grinned. "So, after you're done here, do you wanna grab a bite to eat and talk about some stuff?" I nodded and he grinned wider. "Great, meet me outside in ten." He swiped his keys off the counter and twirled them around his finger as he left. I rolled my eyes and looked to Luke. "I'll be back later. Don't miss me too much, kay?" He shrugged and I gave him a hug. "Everything will be okay. I promise." I waved as I walked out the door and got in Michael's truck.

"So, where we going?" I asked as he pulled out of the drive. He smiled at me. "Just a cafe. I needed to talk to you in private, and I know Luke would snoop in our conversation." I frowned. "Why are you so weary of him? He didn't do anything wrong." Michael sighed deeply. "I would rather not argue with you, so let's just say​ I have my reasons." I pouted and sat back in my seat, arms crossed.

A few minutes later, we pulled up to a cafe called "Morning Breath" which sounds disgusting, since morning breath is disgusting, but it's actually a cute little place that serves really great food. I got out and sat in one of the booths inside, while Michael followed me. "Do you want the usual?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded and stared out the window while he ordered.

What made Mikey so.. mean? I could imagine he was just stressed out but I seriously don't understand why he has to be so mean to Luke. Just because Luke had feelings for me doesn't give him the right to be all protective. I knew what I was doing, and I could never betray Mikey right that... Right?

Michael came back with a raisin bagel and a hot cocoa and handed them to me. I ate slowly while Michael messed around with some games on his phone. He looked up to me and chuckled, putting his phone away. He leaned forward on his elbows. "I have something important to tell you." He said lowly.

I raised an eyebrow as I sipped on my drink. "What's that?" I asked. He sighed. "Well, I asked the Elders if I could put Luke back as leader of the Youth since, you know, Im not really prepared for that. They agreed, but they want to see Luke's combat and persuasion skills before they let him return as leader again. The problem is, Luke is over in La La Land baking fucking muffins while Im busting my ass trying​ to figure out what the fuck to do." He chuckled deeply. "And not only that, but they won't let Calum or Ashton be leader, even though they have more experience than I do. Especially Ashton, since he's the oldest. I just-- I dont want to put stress on you, Lori. I love you too much to do that." He was tracing circles on my hand now, which I didn't realize he was holding.

I was silent a few moments, pondering what to do. I suddenly had an idea. "Michael, if you don't want to put stress on me, I suggest we break up." Michael looked up at me, shocked. "What the fuck are you talking about?!" He hissed, glaring. I sighed. "No no, not really breaking up. Just pretending to, so I don't have to go to the conference with you. It would be easier for both of us."

He sighed. "It sounds like you know what you're talking about. Alright, I'll do it." I smiled and hugged him from across the table. "I love you, Mikey." I whispered. He smiled. "I love you too, baby."

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