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It was one solemn night, when it started raining of red crimson everywhere as the little assassin who was called as Yuuki Angel, slaughtered all of the targets with one swing. Her eyes that turned hard and cold, she could hardly be called as an innocent child who knows nothing of this world.

A continuous clapping pierced the air as the footsteps came closer and closer, as he reached her. Blood trickled down the edge of the blade that she possessed, slowly but surely, she turned her head and saw him.

"Good job, my little Angel." a smirk painted on the man's ivory skin as he gazed down at her. "your job of killing your target, was marvelous!"

"Shinigami-sensei..." she mutters as her lifeless eyes searched for his glowing, golden eyes.

"Hmm? What is it?" he asked the girl dyed with fresh blood, "this training will help me to get revenge...right?"

The man nodded as his palm patted her soft, raven locks. "Yeah."

The girl didn't know what's right from wrong, she only followed her master's orders and kill whatever stands in her path...and no one was an exception.

"Listen closely...Angel..." he started as he crouched down to her eye-level, then leaned to her ear and whispered:

"We work in the dark to serve the light...Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

✦ ✧ ✦

"Hey, Mama, Papa! Can I go play with Gakushu now?!" a child named Angel, asked her parents while grinning.

The two adults look at each other, then smiled as they seem to agree. The female, Angel's mom, stretched her arm and ruffled her hair.

"Okay, but don't stay up too late. We don't want to trouble Asano-san again." her loving mother soothingly said as those words rolled out of her tongue.

"If you want, you can invite Gakushu here to eat dinner with us." her strong father, interjected kindly.

"Yeah, I'll tell him later!" Angel smiled as she hurriedly ran out of the door, and to go to the park where she and him is suppose to meet.

Her skirt swayed through the wind as her hair fluttered against the soft wind that was caressing her skin, while running, she spotted orange hair.

She leaped up to him and gave him an bone-crushing hug. "Gakushu~!"

"Oh, hey Angel. You're awfully late, as always..." the strawberry blonde haired boy stated, slightly pissed of his best friend's late arrival.

She freed him and giggled, "Sorry. I was helping out my mom in picking fruits in our garden." she said.

"I see...well, that explains it." the anger was swept away once he saw her smiling face. "anyway, I have a gift for you!" he grinned.

"A gift...?"

"Yeah..." the child Gakushu said as he extended his arm towards her and handed her something. "Tadah! It's a red scarf, your favorite color!"

In his hand, sit an awfully long, knitted red scarf. A huge smile made it's way on Angel's face as she was attracted by the color. "For me?!"

He grinned and nodded, then slowly, he slipped the scarf around her neck. Wrapping it gently. He smiled as he found the scarf matching her.

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