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Tears streamed down her cheeks as blood spilled on the floor, a mysterious boy with snowy hair came out of nowhere and killed the tiger.

"Snowflakes....!" she gasped as a sign of relief appeared across her face, the boy glared at the tigers, not sparing a single glance at the girl.

"Hey." he called as she squeaked.

"W-What?" she asked, terrified.

He turned around as she noticed how dark his eyes has become, the light in his eyes can no longer be seen. It's like it was another him taking over.

"Close your eyes if you don't wanna see anymore blood." he says.

"W-What are you going to do?" she asked as a sweat tricked down her forehead.

The boy began walking towards the tigers slowly as his switch was on, he heard her question and smirked.

"Let's just say I'm blowing off some steam against these tigers."

The tigers circled around the boy as he put his hands in his pockets while having this cool atmosphere around him. Then one tiger launched in towards her as he swings his hand.

In one swing, the tiger's head was off.

The head dropped on the floor as blood gushed out of the beast, the audience gasped after witnessing the strength of the boy.

"T-The tiger's head..." Angel stuttered as she was trembling. "...was cut off!"

He turned around as he stared at the scared girl while the tiger's blood streamed down from knife's edge that was held captive in his palm.

"You don't have to look so scared," he says calmly as the girl continued shaking while crying. "Look, I have no choice but to kill the tiger. We'll both be dead if I did—"

He halted as he realized the crucial part. 'What am I doing? Explaining to her about my daily work...'

His bangs covered his eyes as it created a shadow. 'It's not like she'll understand who I really am.'

He looked at the girl's pale face as it was confirmed. 'She isn't used seeing blood and murder, huh.'

The boy turned back to the tigers who were growling at him and then he sighed. "I told you to close your eyes, but you didn't listened...don't blame me if you get traumatized."

He went in for another kill, beheading the tiger, and another, and the other. He repetitively did the same method as all of the tigers were ceased.

The speaker and the audience were surprised as none of them spoke, then the boy dropped the blooded knife and grabbed the girl's wrist.

"W-What are you—?!"

"Shut up and come with me if you want to stay alive!"

They exited the stadium as the boy with bloody hands took her hand and ran away with her to their escapade.

"Capture them!" a loud voice of the cops roared throughout the room as the boy clicked his tongue, making a tch-ed sound.

Then he grabbed both of Angel's legs as he carried her on his back while she struggled. "S-Snowflakes!"

"Hold on tight." he says for a brief moment before running while carrying her on his back.

The boy's first priority right now was to take this girl to a safe house, so he had no choice but to take her to his own place in the prison.

Angel wrapped her arms around the unknown boy's neck as she rested on his shoulder, her breathe hitched as he flinched from the sudden skin-ship.

"Thank you...Snowflakes." she muttered as she began to shiver in his touch while he was cutting through the wind, running.

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