↳Michalis Jack Ending

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HAJIME: I'm so sorry everyone for making you wait for Michalis Jack Ending!!! It's been 5 months since I last updated this book! To make it up to you, I made this chapter very long. I hope you have fun reading.

Warning: Sexual scenes up ahead and lots of swearing. If you aren't used to this, I suggest you not to read. You have been warned.


Running through the city that was corrupted by old people living in royalties, I was being chased by a gang of mafia who was after my head.

"Don't run away from us, brat!"

I heard one of the men who were chasing after me yelled, I cracked a laugh from his statement.

"Then stop chasing after me, you damn geezers!" I yelled back as I grabbed a grenade. I twist the lid open and threw it towards them.


A spiral of explosion was set off as I continued running with a godspeed like, I grinned widely as I felt an rush of excitement all over me. Being an assassin was so much fun!

Taking the life of others as you hear how loud their screams are, the expressions they make before they die was splendid! You can't get enough of watching them die in vain.


Yeah, just like that deadman yelled. I am Michalis Jack. A survivor of the tragedy that happened years ago. I miraculously survived from the  poison that I inhaled then. I toughed it out the whole day, it was crucifying.

I stood up from the highest peek of a certain corporation building in Russia, the moon lightened the half of my face as I watched the city that was covered by the darkness of the night.

"Becoming the whole world's famous assassin is so boring..." I was skepticism by this.

Is there someone out there in my par?

I could only sigh as I looked up and saw the moon who is seem to be like laughing at my situation right now.

How boring. It's so boring. Was the only thing in my bored mind.

Suddenly, my phone rung as I looked at the caller id and saw it was from one of my clients.

"What is it?" I asked, irritated. "I am in the middle of work right now."

"My sincere apologies, Michalis, but I want you to assassinate someone for me." the man from the other side said.

"You want me to kill someone?" I said, putting the phone close to my ears.

"Yeah. But your target is in Japan, so I need you to go abroad again." he said.

"In Japan?! Seriously? I have to go all the way back there just to kill someone...you can't be serious." I complaint.

"Of course, the prize will be very exotic and expensive, rest assured." he added.

"That isn't the point. I can earn much more money if I work harder, but going back to Japan to kill a ordinary target is kinda lame." I sighed.

"...She isn't your ordinary target."

"She? So my target is a woman?" I nonchalantly asked.

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