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Time passed by as the auction came and proceeded it's action, numerous children lined up in the hall with chains around their feet, making them immobilized and difficult to escape.

"How the hell did we got caught?" Jack irked as he had chain cuffs on his wrists, feeling annoyed.

"Tell me about it." Soraru mused as she rolled her eyes while lifting her feet with chains as she walks.

"Hehe...sorry, you two." Angel sheepishly smiled as she began to walk with them side by side.

"I told you it was a trap, but you didn't listen and barged in." Soraru says while fuming as the other girl just kept quiet.

"It can't be helped. Angel is an idiot, there's no way she would listen." Jack deadpanned.


"Where are we going, Angel?" the pink haired girl asked her companion.

"Back to the prison." the two other kids gasped by her answer.

"Why?! After we just escaped!" Soraru stated.

"Are you nuts? Want to go meet your death for the second time?!" Jack retorted.

"I have something to ask the warden there." Angel says seriously.

"What do you want to ask?" Soraru asked with confusion as Jack tucked both of his hands in his pockets. "I want to ask them whose the sick scientist will come to our auction."

"And you think they'll tell you?" Soraru asked as Angel nodded.

"As if they're going to tell you. Idiot!" Jack leaned on her face and yelled loudly.

"Why wouldn't they tell me?" Angel asked as she titled her head.

"Because it is against the law for Wardens to tell information to prisoners like us! Stupid!" he retorted loudly.

"It's because I'm stupid, I'll go there and ask them about it!" she growled.

"You just don't get it, you might get arrested once you encountered one! They might kill you on-spot!" he snarled.

"Even so, I'll still ask them!" she shouted.

"You're so stupid...seriously." he heaved out a sigh in dismay.

The three have agreed to go back to the prisoner just like Angel insisted, then a man appeared in front of them with a wicked snicker.

"I've heard your conversation just now, if I'm not wrong, you want to ask an warden about a certain information, right?" he says while looking at the red scarf girl.

"Yeah." she nodded as the two other kids nonchalantly looked at him quietly.

"Then go to Block A, its just 1 meter away from here. Go to the room 143, there's an warden that holds lots of information. You might get loads if you ask him." he says.

"Really?!" Angel's eyes gleamed brightly like diamonds.

'How suspicious...' both Soraru and Jack thought as they glared daggers at the man silently.

"Yeah, you should better go now, it's safe these days!" he smiled.

"Heard that? Rin? Jack? Let's go!" Angel cheerfully beamed as she began to walk away while the two mentioned kids followed her.

"Thanks for the information, old man! Bye-bye!" she yelled while waving her hands at the man as he just waved back before walking away as well.

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