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On top of the highest peek of the hotel, stood a little girl wearing a long scarf wrapped around her neck, living the first twelve years of her life in mastering the art of assassination. The gust of the wind blew softly against her skin as it gave out a pleasing feeling.

Her crimson eyes stare down on the lights of the town that were shimmering in various decorative colors, the people who were walking across the street, and the cars passing through the blank lanes.

Everything feels so normal. she thought inwardly as her slant eyes roam across the town, searching for something.

"This is your first assassination mission, Angel." a voice said at her back as she was familiarized by it, and didn't bother to turn around.

"What are you thinking about right now? Are you nervous?" he asked.

She tucked up her red fabric around her neck as her dry ice cold eyes continued looking down on the street lights that was just few meters above from her current footing.

"Nothing really," she said coldly.

"Yes, that's what an assassin supposed to be like. An cold-hearted person who mercilessly kill their targets." the man stated as his silver strands was softly being blew by the wind.

She spoke no more as she continued to watch downtown, until her eyes slightly widened when a man in suit came out of the hotel with his choppers guarding him.

"That's your first target, Richie Rich. Our client ordered us to kill him with no evidence left behind. Could you pull it off?" he challenged her.

Her neck slowly turned to him as she oozed out a little bit of her blood lust, he instantly got aware that her aura is saying do not piss me off.

"Who do you think you're talking to? I am an professional assassin just like you." she gnashed her teeth.

Then their eyes made contact with each other as she glared at him filled with the urge to kill him. "Don't treat me like a little kid!"

She jumped off the building after scowling the infamous God of Death, she traveled with the gust of the wind as she silently landed down on the floor that the people nearby her target was surprised by her sudden appearance. She slowly stood up as a smirk appeared on her lips, her eyes met gaze with her target before saying...

"The Red Man is in action!"

"W-Who is this filthy—?!" before her target could complete his sentence, he felt something was cut off him as everyone gasped when his head was chopped up and was sent flying.

It landed on the pavement as its eyes were widened in shock, blood gushed out of its decapitated neck as the body fell on the ground, silently.


Everyone who saw this shrieked and turned into hysteria all of sudden after seeing a corpse laying on the floor, the assassin looked up silently at the remaining people watching the scene.

"Now that you've seen all of this..." she started as she grab hold of her silver sword that was soaked with crimson blood. "I guess I can't let you go, can't I?"

They started to run for their lives pathetically as she sprinted up to each and everyone's speed and sliced them up perfectly, leading up to their death.

"Normal people are so fragile, they die so easily without putting up a fight." she whimpered as she stared at her hands as if there was something amazing about them, however it was only stained with blood.

I'm doing the right thing, don't I?

Her train of thoughts were interrupted when she heard the sirens of the cops' cubs, she instantly moved and retreated from the crime scene, before she gets caught.

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