↳ Asano Gakushu Ending

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Ever since we were kids, I had a little crush on Angel and then that crush turned into love. At first, I never paid attention to my feelings, I kept it locked down. It will just hinder my studies, so I focused on achieving my goals, casting away everything for my grades and trophies.

"Hey Asano-kun, what's our next project?" an officer asked me.

"It's still on-hold, wait for awhile." I said while rubbing my temples.

Right now, I sat on my swivel chair as my table was filled with paperwork that I still need to finish ahead of time.

My head was aching from all the overwork and fatigue that I've been doing these past nights just to finish our project.

It's been 7 years since I graduated with the highest marking in the Kunugigaoka Academy, and all those years my feelings for her never changed.

All this time, she was the only one that I could love or will ever love.


I entered the office as there was a new applicant again waiting outside of the couches, I press call for that person to enter. The stainless door opened as person came in and closed the doors. Sounds of clattering pierced the air, judging by the sound of walking, it's a woman.

I leaned my back on the chair as I waited for the applicant to come in, then my eyes widened at the moment I saw her. I was astonished.

"You..." I muttered, sweat trickled down my forehead as I was surprised.

The woman's long black hair fell on her waist as she had a shortened red scarf wrapped around her neck while wearing a black clothing of an professional.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Chairman Asano. I am Yuuki Angel. currently applying for a job in your industry." she politely says.

She said that her name was Yuuki Angel, the cheerful girl who is always smiling brightly. But, look at her now.

Her eyes were filled with grief as her face said it all the she was depressed and broken, but most of all her eyes shown the expression of regret.

Somehow, I felt really cold as the girl that I loved since we were kids up to till now had a stoned heart. It made me so sad...that I couldn't bare seeing her suffering like this.

"Angel!" I said as I stood up from my seat and ran up to her, wrapping around my arms around her petite frame.

I've missed her, after all these years, I yearn for her presence...and now, she is here, right in front of me.

I felt her hands pushed me away as I unwrapped my arms around her, she stepped backwards for awhile, looking away from my gaze.

"I'm sorry, Asano-san, but I would like to treat everything with professionalism." she answered.

Yeah. She is here, right in front of me. But it wasn't her.

"You still have to interview me, right? Please do the courtesy and begin." she said as if she was eager to get the job.

I smirked. "You get the job."

Surprised, her eyes blinked. "What? But...you haven't interview me yet."

"I don't need to interview you. I know that you'll do your part." I stated.

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